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Version: 7.9

Report Component - Simple Table

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Inductive University

Simple Table

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With the Simple Table, you can very quickly add a table inside a report. The Simple Table is a grid-like table structure that dynamically creates new rows and columns for rows returned by the Data Keys on the component. It can be customized using table properties, and has quite a few pre-configured style templates you can use to get started. Select any one of the style templates, use as is, or double click on any of the cells to change the individual cell's properties. Configure the style in the Design panel, and view the table with your data in the Preview panel.

Table Properties

Data KeyThe data key associated with this Tabular component. Should be the data key of a data source that contains rows, such as a query.Table
ColumnsNumber of columns.Table
Filter KeyA key or expression used to prune the underlying data source's rows down. If not blank, only rows for which this key expression evaluates to true will be included.Table
Header ColumnsNumber of Header Columns.Table
Header RowsNumber of Header Rows.Table
Reprint Header RowsEnable header row printing when pagination occurs.Table
RowsNumber of Rows.Table
StyleGive the CrossTab or Simple Table a pre-configured style.
  • None
  • Classic 1 through Classic 3
  • Default
  • Elegant - with double border around the table.
  • Grid 1 through Grid 8
  • List 1 through List 6
  • Professional
  • Simple 1 through Simple 6

The Style section below shows several examples of some of the style templates you can choose from.
FillIf true, the shape will fill its space with color.Stroke and Fill
Fill ColorIf Fill is selected, the color that will fill the shape.Stroke and Fill
OpacityHow opaque the fill color is, between 0 and 1.Stroke and Fill
Stroke StyleWhat style of stroke or border to use: Hidden, Shape Outline, Border, or Double. To learn more about stroke styles, refer to Stroke and Fill Properties.Stroke and Fill
StrokeDetails for the chosen stroke. Each Stroke has its own properties depending on the Stroke Style chosen.Stroke and Fill
RollNumber of degrees this shape is rotated clockwise.Basic Properties
Scale XAmount to scale the width of this shape. 1 is scale to 100%.Basic Properties
Scale YAmount to scale the height of this shape. 1 is scale to 100%.Basic Properties
VisibleIf true, the shape will be visible.Basic Properties
WidthWidth of this shape in pixels.Basic Properties
HeightHeight of this shape in pixels.Basic Properties
XHorizontal distance in pixels between the left edge of this shape to the left edge of the page.Basic Properties
YVertical distance in pixels between the upper edge of this shape to the top edge of the page.Basic Properties

Cell Properties

TextText to display in the shape.Text Properties
Text ColorColor of the text.Text Properties
Character SpacingAmount of extra spacing to add between characters. Negative spacing makes characters closer together.Text Properties
Coalesce NewlinesIf true, consecutive line breaks will be merged into one.Text Properties
FontFont to use for the text.Text Properties
Horizontal AlignmentHorizontal Alignment for text: Left; Right; Center; Full.Text Properties
Line SpacingSpacing between lines of text. 1 is single spacing, 2 is double spacing, etc.Text Properties
MarginMargin between texts and bounds of shape in pixels. Format is top: left: bottom; right.Text Properties
Overflow BehaviorHow text that overflows the bounds of the shape should be handled.
  • Paginate - text is pushed to the next page if the number of characters exceed the shape.
  • Shrink text to fit - text fits into the shape, and the font is smaller when previewed or printed.
  • Grow row - text fits into the shape, and shows when the shape is expanded, previewed, or printed.
Text Properties
UnderlinedIf true, use underlined text.Text Properties
Vertical AlignmentVertical alignment for text: Top; Middle; Bottom.Text Properties
Date FormatFormats to use for dates in this shape.Data Key and Format Properties
Null FormatFormats to use for null values in this shape.Data Key and Format Properties
Number FormatFormats to use for numbers in this shape.Data Key and Format Properties
Negative in RedIf true, show negative numbers in red.Data Key and Format Properties
FillIf true, the shape will fill its space with color.Stroke and Fill
Fill ColorIf Fill is selected, the color that will fill the shape.Stroke and Fill
OpacityHow opaque the fill color is, between 0 and 1.Stroke and Fill
Stroke StyleWhat style of stroke or border to use: Hidden, Shape Outline, Border, or Double. To learn more about stroke styles, refer to Stroke and Fill Properties.Stroke and Fill
StrokeDetails for the chosen stroke. Each Stroke has its own properties depending on the Stroke Style chosen.Stroke and Fill
GroupingGrouping Key will add a row or column for each Grouping the key generates.Grouping
RadiusAmount to radius the corners of this shape.Rectangle Shape
RollNumber of degrees this shape is rotated clockwise.Basic Properties
Scale XAmount to scale the width of this shape. 1 is scale to 100%.Basic Properties
Scale YAmount to scale the height of this shape. 1 is scale to 100%.Basic Properties
VisibleIf true, the shape will be visible.Basic Properties
WidthWidth of this shape in pixels.Basic Properties
HeightHeight of this shape in pixels.Basic Properties
XHorizontal distance in pixels between the left edge of this shape and the left edge of the page.Basic Properties
YVertical distance in pixels between the upper edge of this shape and the top edge of the page.Basic Properties

Cell Functions

Cells have a functions feature. Double click on a cell and then right click to see the functions. All the functions are the same for any cell that is selected.

Clear ContentsDeletes all contents from the selected cell.
Add Row AboveAdds a row above the selected cell.
Add Row BelowAdds a row below the selected cell.
Add Column BeforeAdds a column before the selected cell.
Add Column AfterAdds a column after the selected cell.
Remove RowRemoves the selected row.
Remove ColumnRemoves the selected column.
Merge CellsCombines the selected cells.
Split CellSplits the selected cell into individual cells.

Style Templates

Here is a sampling of several pre-configured style templates. There are many more templates to choose from in the dropdown list of the Table's Style property. You can make changes to any of the pre-configured styles by double clicking on any cell in the Simple Table and editing the cell's properties.




Classic 1

Grid 2

List 6

Simple 3


This example uses a Simple Table in a report. The Simple Table shows the total number of downtime events, total downtime in minutes, and average downtime for each piece of equipment.

The Simple Table uses the Show Calculation property in the Key Browser and several of the Built-in Keys: 'count', 'total', and 'average.' Other properties were modified to make the column headers and row headers stand out. Double click on the cell to change the property values for that cell. The property values for this example are shown in the property list.

Header Columns1
Header in Row 1Downtime Count
Header in Row 2Total Downtime
Header in Row 3AVG Downtime
Header Rows ColorBlue, Bold
Header Column ColorBlue, Bold