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Version: 7.9

Report Component - Report Object


The report itself. This component has properties that control the dimensions, margins, and more. These settings impact all pages in the report. It may be selected by clicking on the Report object in the Project Browser.


Paper Settings

Paper SizeThe desired paper size for the report. Many common sizes are available. When a size is selected, the width and height of the selected size are loaded into the Dimentions property.
DimensionsContains the Width and Height of the page. These properties work in conjunction with the Units property. The Dimensions may be changed manually here, or be modifying the Paper Size property.
This section also contains a Units drop down with the following units of measurement:
  • Inch.
  • Point (Printer Point). 1 inch = 72 points
  • Centimeter.
  • Millimeter.
  • Pica. 1 inch = 6 picas
OrientationDetermines if the report should appear as Portrait (taller reports) or Landscape (wider reports)
MarginsAllows you to specify the position of the margin on the report.
If the Show property is enabled, the margin is visible on the report's Design Panel. The margin will never appear on the Preview Panel or on the generated reports.
The Snap property, when enabled, will cause report components to snap to the margin if moved within close proximity.

Properties Tab

Grid SpacingThe space between each grid in Printer Points. Defaults to 9, which is 1/8th of an inch.Grid Options
Show GridEnables a grid on the Design Panel. Useful for spacing out each component on the report. The grid is not visible on the Preview Panel, or on the resulting report.Grid Options
Snap to GridWhen dragging a component, enabling this property will cause the component to snap to the grid.Grid Options
Page LayoutSpecifies how the page looks in the designer. Has the following options:
  • Single: The default value. Only a single page of the report appears in the Design Panel at a time.
  • Double: Shows two pages in the Design Panel, horizontally adjacent, with page 1 starting on the left.
  • Quadruple: Shows four pages in the Design Panel, horizontally adjacent
  • Facing: Shows two pages at a time. Cycling through pages moves through two pages at a time, starting with page 1 on the right (similar to reading through a book).
  • Continuous: Stacks the pages vertically adjacent, with page 1 at the top.
  • ContinuousDouble: A combination of Double and Continuous; two horizontally adjacent pages are stacked vertically, with pages 1 and 2 at the top.
Document Options
String for NullSpecifies the value to use should a key return a null value. Note that individual Text Shapes also have a String for Null property that will override this property.Document Options
RollNumber of degrees this shape is rotated clockwise.Basic Properties
Scale XAmount to scale the width of this shape. 1 is scale to 100%.Basic Properties
Scale YAmount to scale the height of this shape. 1 is scale to 100%.Basic Properties
VisibleIf true, the shape will be visible.Basic Properties
WidthWidth of this shape in pixels.Basic Properties
HeightHeight of this shape in pixels.Basic Properties
XHorizontal distance in pixels between the left edge of this shape and the left edge of the page.Basic Properties
YVertical distance in pixels between the top edge of this shape and the top edge of the page.Basic Properties