The following components give you various ways to create or animate displays.
📄️ Paintable Canvas
The Paintable Canvas component is a component that can be custom painted using Jython scripting.
📄️ Line
The Line component displays a straight line. It can run north-south, east-west, or diagonally.
📄️ Pipe Segment
The Pipe Segment component displays a quasi-3D pipe.
📄️ Pipe Joint
The Pipe Joint displays a fancy joint component two join two pipe segments together.
📄️ Sound Player
The Sound Player component is an invisible component that facilitates audio playback in the client.
📄️ Timer
The Timer component is an invisible button that can be used to create repeated events in a window.
📄️ Signal Generator
The Signal Generator is similar to the Timer component, but its value isn't simply a counter.