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Version: 7.9

Report Component - Rectangle Shape

Component Palette Icon:


The Rectangle shape component creates a square or rectangle and can be used anywhere on a report. Select the Rectangle shape on the Report Component Palette to make it active, and click and drag anywhere in your Report Designer to create a rectangle shape. Once the rectangle component is created, you can use the handles to change its height and width. Hold Shift while dragging to create a square instead of a rectangle. You can also change its stroke style, color, dash pattern, and much more.


FillIf true, the shape will fill its space with color.Stroke and Fill
Fill ColorIf Fill is selected, the color that will fill the shapeStroke and Fill
OpacityHow opaque the fill color is, between 0 and 1.Stroke and Fill
Stroke StyleWhat style of stroke or border to use: Hidden, Shape Outline, Border, or Double. To learn more about stroke styles, refer to Stroke and Fill Properties.Stroke and Fill
StrokeDetails for the chosen stroke. Each Stroke has its own properties depending on the Stroke Style chosen.Stroke and Fill
RadiusAmount to radius the corners of this shape.Rectangle Shape
RollNumber of degrees this shape is rotated clockwise.Basic Properties
Scale XAmount to scale the width of this shape. 1 is scale to 100%.Basic Properties
Scale YAmount to scale the height of this shape. 1 is scale to 100%.Basic Properties
VisibleIf true, the shape will be visible.Basic Properties
WidthWidth of this shape in pixels.Basic Properties
HeightHeight of this shape in pixels.Basic Properties
XHorizontal distance in pixels between the left edge of this shape and the left edge of the page.Basic Properties
YVertical distance in pixels between the upper edge of this shape and the top edge of the page.Basic Properties


Fill ColorYellow
Stroke StyleDouble
Stroke ColorBlue
Stroke Inner Width3 pixels
Stroke Outer Width10 pixels
Stroke PositionInner on path
Stroke Separation5 pixels