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Version: 7.9

Connections - Vision Clients

Vision Clients

Much like the Designers page, the Vision Clients page shows information regarding currently opened Clients. The Clients are listed and show some basic information such as the address of the Client. From here, the Client session can be terminated by selecting the More button and hitting Terminate, or select the Details option to see more details about the Client session such as the number of Tags that the session is currently subscribed to, as well as a log of an errors that may have happened with that Client.

Connections List with Vision Clients

Vision Clients Page

The main Vision Clients page gives a list of all currently running Clients to give you an idea of how many are open and which users are currently using them.

Client Stats and Details

Active ClientsThe number of currently active Clients.
Requests/secThe number of requests per second coming from all Clients.
IdThe Client id.
UserThe user logged in on the Client session.
ProjectThe name of the project open in the Client session.
UptimeThe total uptime of the Client session.
ActivityDenotes whether the Client session is currently connected and active or not.
AddressThe IP Address and computer name where the Client is launched.
MemoryThe Client's current memory usage.
ActionsThe option to terminate the Client session, or see more details about the session.

Connections Vision Clients Page

Client Session Details

Clicking on the Details button for a Client session will take you to a page that displays more in depth information for that particular Client session. It also gives a logger at the bottom where errors coming from that particular Client can be seen.

Client Performance and Details

MemoryThe Client's current memory use.
SubscriptionsThe number of Tags the Client is currently subscribed to.
UserThe user logged in on the Client session.
ProjectThe name of the project open in the Client session.
AddressThe IP Address and computer name where the Client is launched.
UptimeThe total uptime of the Client session.
Last CommThe last time the Gateway communicated with the Client.
Client JVM VersionThe Java version that the Client is currently running on.

Connections Vision Clients Details