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Version: 7.9


This function is used in Python Scripting.


This is an advanced scripting function. Invokes (calls) the given Python function object after all of the currently processing and pending events are done being processed, or after a specified delay. The function will be executed on the GUI, or event dispatch, thread. This is useful for events like propertyChange events, where the script is called before any bindings are evaluated.

If you specify an optional time argument (number of milliseconds), the function will be invoked after all currently processing and pending events are processed plus the duration of that time.

Client Permission Restrictions

This scripting function has no Client Permission restrictions.


system.util.invokeLater(function [, delay])


PyObjectfunctionA Python function object that will be invoked later, on the GUI, or event-dispatch, thread with no arguments.
intdelayA delay, in milliseconds, to wait before the function is invoked. The default is 0, which means it will be invoked after all currently pending events are processed. [optional]





Code Examples

Example #1
# The code in the update/refresh button uses the 'date' property on the two
# calendar components, which are bound to the current_timestamp property on their
# parent. We want to simulate a button press when the window opens, but only
# after the date properties' bindings have been evaluated.

if event.propertyName == 'current_timestamp':
# Define a function to click the button
def clickButton(button = event.source.parent.getComponent('Refresh')):
import system
system.gui.messageBox("Button has been clicked!")

# Tell the system to invoke the function after
# the current event has been processed