File Functions
The following functions give you access to read and write to files.
📄️ fileExists
Checks to see if a file or folder at a given path exists.
📄️ getTempFile
Creates a new temp file on the host machine with a certain extension, returning the path to the file.
📄️ openFile
Shows an "Open File" dialog box, prompting the user to choose a file to open.
📄️ openFiles
Shows an "Open File" dialog box, prompting the user to choose a file or files to open.
📄️ readFileAsBytes
Opens the file found at path filename, and reads the entire file.
📄️ readFileAsString
Opens the file found at path filename, and reads the entire file. Returns the file as a string.
📄️ saveFile
Prompts the user to save a new file named filename.
📄️ writeFile
Writes the given data to the file at file path filename.