Alarm Functions
The following functions give you access to view and interact with the Alarm system in Ignition.
📄️ acknowledge
Acknowledges any number of alarms, specified by their event ids.
📄️ cancel
Cancels any number of alarms, specified by their event ids.
📄️ createRoster
This function creates a new roster. Users may be added to the roster through the Gateway or the Roster Management component
📄️ getRosters
This function returns a mapping of roster names to a list of usernames contained in the roster.
📄️ getShelvedPaths
Returns a list of ShelvedPath objects, which each represent a shelved alarm.
📄️ listPipelines
Will return a list of the available Alarm Notification Pipelines.
📄️ queryJournal
Queries the specified journal for historical alarm events.
📄️ queryStatus
Queries the current state of alarms. The result is a list of alarm events, which can be queried for individual properties.
📄️ shelve
This function shelves the specified alarms for the specified amount of time.
📄️ unshelve
Unshelves alarms in accordance with the path parameter.