This function is used in Python Scripting.
Adds a new tag in Ignition. You can add OPC, memory, expression, query, folder, and UDT instance tags. You can't add Client Tags, because those can vary from project to project.
Client Permission Restrictions
Permission Type: Tag Editing
Client access to this scripting function is blocked to users that do not meet the role/zone requirements for the above permission type. This function is unaffected when run in the Gateway scope.
This function accepts keyword arguments.
system.tag.addTag(parentPath, name, tagType, dataType, accessRights, enabled, value, attributes, parameters, overrides, alarmList, alarmConfig)
Type | Parameter | Description |
String | parentPath | The folder to add the tag to. Leave blank for the root folder. |
String | name | The name of the tag. |
String | tagType | The type of tag to create. Possible values are OPC, MEMORY, EXPRESSION, QUERY, Folder, and UDT_INST. |
String | dataType | The data type of the tag. Not used for UDT instances or folders.
String | accessRights | The access rights for a tag. Possible values are Read_Only, Read_Write, and Custom. |
boolean | enabled | If true, the tag will be enabled. |
Object | value | The value of the tag. Used for memory tags. |
PyDictionary | attributes | The tag's configuration attributes. |
PyDictionary | parameters | The parameters for a UDT instance tag. |
PyDictionary | overrides | All of the overrides for a UDT instance tag. |
String | alarmList | List of legacy alarms for the tag. The legacy alarm system was retired in 7.6.0, so the alarmConfig parameter should be utilized on newer versions. |
PyDictionary | alarmConfig | The alarm configuration for the tag. See editAlarmConfig for details on how to use this parameter. |
If called in the Gateway scope, a tag provider must be specified.
Associated attributes:
Complete list of the acceptable Tag Properties and alarmConfig.
Code Examples
system.tag.addTag(parentPath='', name="TagOPC", tagType="OPC", dataType="Int2",attributes={"OPCServer":"Ignition OPC-UA Server", "OPCItemPath":"[MLX]N7:0"})
system.tag.addTag( parentPath='',
attributes={"OPCServer":"Ignition OPC-UA Server",
alarmConfig={ "Alarm":[
["name", "Value", "Alarm"],
["setpointA","Value", 1.0],
["CustomEmailSubject","Value","My Subject"]
["name", "Value", "Alarm2"],
["parameterName", "Value", "newValue"],
["enabled", "Expression", "1=2"],
["CustomEmailMessage","Value","My Message"]
system.tag.addTag(parentPath='', name="Folder", tagType="Folder")
system.tag.addTag(parentPath='', name="TagMemory", tagType="MEMORY", dataType="Int2", value=25)
alert = "myAlert;Medium_High;0.0;50.0;0;;;2.0;SEC$"
system.tag.addTag(parentPath = '', name = "TagMemory", tagType = "MEMORY", dataType = "Int2", value = 25, alarmList = alert)
system.tag.addTag(parentPath='', name="TagExpression", tagType="EXPRESSION", dataType="Int2", attributes={"Expression":"{[~]Tag1} * 20.5"})
system.tag.addTag(parentPath='', name="TagQuery", tagType="QUERY", dataType="DateTime", attributes={"Expression":"SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", "SQLBindingDatasource":"MySQL"})
system.tag.addTag(parentPath="[ProviderName]Folder", name="TagMemoryProvider", tagType="MEMORY", dataType="Int2", value=42)
# Before running this script, there must be a UDT named 'Motor'
# that has a string parameter 'DeviceName' and an integer parameter
# 'MotorNumber'.
system.tag.addTag(parentPath='', name="TagUDT", tagType="UDT_INST", attributes={"UDTParentType":"Motor"}, parameters={"DeviceName":"CLX", "MotorNumber":1})
# Before running this script, there must be a UDT named 'SecondUDT'
# that has a string parameter 'DeviceName', an integer parameter
# 'MotorNumber', and a tag named "STATUS".
system.tag.addTag(parentPath='', name="TagUDTParameters", tagType="UDT_INST", attributes={"UDTParentType":"SecondUDT"}, parameters={"DeviceName":"CLX", "MotorNumber":2}, overrides={"STATUS":{"ScanClass":"Default Historical", "Enabled":"false"}})
# Before running this script, there must be a UDT named 'ThirdUDT'.
# ThirdUDT must contain a UDT 'SecondUDT',
# which has a string parameter 'DeviceName', an integer parameter
# 'MotorNumber' and a tag named "STATUS".
# Note the nested SecondUDT has the name 'Child_Instance' in the ThirdUDT.
system.tag.addTag(parentPath='', name="TagUDTScanClass", tagType="UDT_INST", attributes={"UDTParentType":"ThirdUDT"}, parameters={"Motor/DeviceName":"CLX", "Motor/MotorNumber":1}, overrides={"Child_Instance/STATUS":{"ScanClass":"Default Historical"}})
# create an intial dataset to pass the tag
initData=system.dataset.fromCSV('"#NAMES"\n"Col 1"\n"#TYPES"\n"I"\n"#ROWS","1"\n"0"\n')
# create the tag
system.tag.addTag(parentPath='', value=initData, name="TagMemoryDataset", tagType="MEMORY", dataType="DataSet")
# Example: Add an Array type Memory tag to the default tag provider
# create a dataset
dataset = system.dataset.toDataSet(["values"], [[1],[2],[3]])
# create the tag
system.tag.addTag(parentPath='', name="TagMemoryArray", tagType="MEMORY", dataType="Int4Array", value=dataset)