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Version: 7.9

Easy Chart Customizer


The Easy Chart component allows you to display the history of your Tags on a chart. When you drag and drop Tags onto an Easy Chart, it automatically trends the data for you. It has a special customizer that has some default settings to help you get started.


The Easy Chart Customizer allows you to easily modify the chart to your own style. You can add pens and modify the contents of your pens, and create new axes, subplots, and pen groups. When you open the customizer, you'll notice four tabs at the top of the window: Pens, Axes, Subplots, and Dynamic Groups. Each have their own properties.

Shown below is each tab in the Easy Chart Customizer listing all its properties along with a brief description.

Pens Tab

The Pens tab is where you can add new pens, create custom names for your pens, and group pens. There are three types of pens, and each functions in a similar manner, but what makes them different is how their data is collected. Each pen type has a few unique properties and is listed at the bottom of the table.

  • Tag pens - Pens are driven by the Tag history system. (Data from any historical provider can be used).
  • Database pens - Pens that are driven by an SQL query. They can query for data in any connected SQL database.
  • Calculated pens - Pens that derive their data from calculations performed on other pens.

For more information, refer to the following sections:

Add pen (Browse for Tags).
Add a pen manually.
Edit pen.
Delete pen.
Edit Pen PanelContains all the editable fields for the pen row selected.
NameThe name of the pen is what the user will see in the legend and the pen panel.
EnabledIf false, this pen will not show up on the chart and the data will not be generated. The user will be able to enable it via the pen control panel.
HiddenIf true, the pen will not show up on the chart or the pen control panel. The data will be generated.
User SelectableIf false, the pen will show up on the chart, but not the pen control panel.
AxisSelect the Y axis this pen will use.
SubplotPutting pens on separate subplots can increase chart clarity.
Group NameThe group name is used for logical grouping in the pen panel and for advanced dynamic grouping.
Digital OffsetIf true, a small gap will be placed between this and other digital pens so they don't overlap each other.
ColorPen color.
StyleThe style of the pen determines how it looks in the chart.
Dash PatternUses a dash pattern like "5,5" to specify 5 pixels on, 5 pixels off.
Line WeightThe thickness of the pen's line.
ShapeIf the renderer style uses shapes, this will be the shape for each point.
Fill ShapeIf true, the shape will be filled in rather than an outline.
LabelsIf true, shows a label of the value above each bar.
PreviewField where you can view the pen style.

Tag History Pens Properties

Tag PathString-based path where the Tag is located.
Aggregation ModeType of calculation (i.e., Constant, UCL, UWL, Avg, LWL, LCL, MovingAvg, Multiply, Min, Max).

Database Pens Properties

Volume ColumnThe name of the column for the pen's value (Y value).
Time ColumnThe name of the column for the pen's timestamp (X value).
Table NameThe name of the table where the pen will be found.
DatasourceThe name of the datasource to use for this pen (MySQL).
Where ClauseYou can specify a snippet of WHERE clause here, like "TankNum = 16."
Run DiagnosticsTest this pen for data configuration for validity.

Calculated Pens Properties

FunctionFunction is the type of calculation (i.e., Constant, UCL, UWL, Avg, LWL, LCL, MovingAvg, Multiply, Min, Max).
Driving PenDedicated pen that will drive the value.
ParameterValue which is the horizontal line drawn on the graph. The parameter type can be different for the Function used:
Constant Value - constant value of the pen.(Used with the Constant function).
Window Size - the size of the moving average window, specified as a multiplier of the chart's date range. It's the percentage of time that you're going to do the moving average on. (Used with MovingAvg function).
Factor - multiply by 'X' factor (Used with Multiply function).
Secondary pen - another pen added to the chart to show the sum and/or the difference. (Used with the Sum and Difference functions).

Axes Tab

The Axes tab is where you can configure multiple axes on the Easy Chart component.

NameThe name of the axis is what pens use to refer to it.
LabelThe label will be displayed on the chart next to the axis.
TypeThe type of axis determines the plotting behavior. (i.e., Numeric, Logarithmic, Symbol)
PositionThe position of the axis, if automatic, axis positioning is turned off.
Label ColorColor of the label.
Tick Label ColorColor of the tick label.
Tick ColorColor of the tick mark.
Axis InvertedIf true, inverts the axis.
Auto RangeIf true, the axis will automatically scale itself to the data, rather than display a fixed range.
Auto Range Incl ZeroIf true, forces the auto range to include zero.
Auto Range MarginThe extra margin (as percent of the total range) for the top and bottom of an auto range axis.
Lower BoundThe lower bound of a non-auto-ranging axis.
Upper BoundThe upper bound of a non-auto-ranging axis.
Auto Tick UnitsIf true, the distance between the tick marks and the gridlines will be automatically calculated rather than a fixed number.
Tick UnitsIf false, this amount will be used as the distance between tick marks.
Gridline UnitsIf false, this amount will be used as the distance between gridlines.
Number Form OverrideSpecifies a number format pattern to use for tick labels. Leave blank for automatic number formatting.

For more information, refer to the Easy Chart - Axes page.

Subplots Tab

The Subplots tab is where you can break up a chart's plot area into multiple distinct subplots that share the X axis, and also where you can add additional subplots.

Plot NumberNumber of plots in a chart plot area.
Relative WeightRatio between all subplots. (If you have two subplots, and Plot 1's weight is 3 and Plot 2's weight is 1, then Plot 1 will be 3 times larger than Plot 2).
Custom BackgroundIf false, the default background is white.
BackgroundColor of the plot area's background.

In the Pens Tab

Once you add a subplot, go to the Pens Tab, edit your pen, and put your pen into a different subplot.

For more information, go to Easy Chart - Subplots.

Dynamic Groups Tab

Dynamic Groups are used with Database pens. They allow you to apply a dynamic condition, like using a WHERE clause, to a subset of pens. For each pen group, a dynamic string property will appear in the Property Editor under Custom Properties of your Easy Chart component. You can create a WHERE clause that will search the database and return values if the pens meet a true condition.

Property Editor - Custom Properties - Where Clause for Dynamic Group Property

The dynamic string property "group_group" has a value of "Sine1<0 AND Sine0<0" which corresponds to the WHERE clause configured on the Dynamic Groups tab

To learn more about Dynamic Groups, refer to the Easy Chart section.