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Version: 7.9

Equipment Schedule

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The equipment schedule view is a mix between the status chart, gantt chart, and a calendar view. It conveys a lot of information about equipment, including current status, production schedule, production status, scheduled and unexpected downtime.

The equipment schedule is powered by four datasets. Information is retrieved from the datasets by column name, case-insensitive. The order of the columns is not important. Optional columns may be omitted.

The "Items" Dataset

Describes the "items" or "cells" to display schedules for. Each entry in this dataset will become a row of the chart.

IDAnyNThe identifier for this item. May be any type, will referenced by each entry in the Scheduled Events dataset.
LabelStringNThe text to display in the header.
ForegroundColorYText color
BackgroundColorYBackground color
StatusImagePathStringYA path to an image to display to the right of the header label.

The "Scheduled Items" Dataset

Lists the scheduled events for each item described in the "Items" dataset. Each scheduled event can have a colored lead, or change-over time, a label, a background color, and a progress.

EventIdStringYAn identifier for the event, used for event selection.
ItemIdAnyNThe ID of the item to correlate this event with. If no such item is found, the event won't be shown.
LabelStringNThe text to display in the event's box.
StartDateDateNThe start-time for the event.
EndDateDateNThe end-time for the event.
ForegroundColorYThe text color of the event.
BackgroundColorYThe background color of the event.
LeadTimeIntegerYTime, in seconds, to display as lead time.
LeadColorColorYThe color for the lead time, if any.
PctDoneNumberYA value from 0 to 100 to be displayed as a progress bar, use -1 to hide progress bar.

The "Downtime" Dataset

Entries in this dataset will be displayed as simple colored overlays on top of the events, correlated against an item defined in the "Items" dataset.

ItemIdAnyNThe ID of the item to correlate this downtime event with. If no such item is found, the downtime event won't be shown.
StartDateDateNThe start time for the downtime event.
EndDateDateNThe end time for the downtime event.
ColorColorYThe color to use, typically transparent.
LayerIntegerY0 or 1, with 0 meaning that the rectangle gets painted below the events, and 1 means it will be painted above the events.

The "Breaks" Dataset

Entries in this dataset will be displayed as colored underlays beneath all events.

StartDateDateNThe start time for the break event.
EndDateDateNThe end time for the break event.
ColorColorYThe color to use.


NameDescriptionProperty TypeScriptingCategory
AntialiasDraw with antialias on? Makes text smoother.boolean.antialiasAppearance
BorderThe border surrounding this component. NOTE that the border is unaffected by rotation.Border.borderCommon
Break EventsScheduled breaks, which will appear as downtime for all items.Dataset.breakEventsData
Current Time ColorThe color of the current time indicator.Color.nowColorAppearance
Downtime EventsDowntime events correlated to a specific item.Dataset.downtimeEventsData
Drag EnabledControls whether or not scheduled events can be dragged for rescheduling.boolean.dragEnabledBehavior
EnabledIf disabled, a component cannot be used.boolean.componentEnabledCommon
End DateThe end of the time range to display.Date.endDateData
Event BorderThe normal border for a scheduled event.Border.eventBorderAppearance
Event FontThe font to use for the event labels.Font.eventFontAppearance
Event MarginThe margin to leave visible above and below a scheduled
Header BackgroundThe color of the background for the header timeline.Color.headerBackgroundAppearance
Header FontThe font of the text in the header timeline.Font.headerFontAppearance
Header Item FontThe font to use for the header items' labels.Font.itemFontAppearance
Header Text ColorThe color of the text in the header timeline.Color.headerTextColorAppearance
ItemsThe cells, or equipment items, to have their schedules displayed.Dataset.itemsData
Line ColorThe color of separating lines in the schedule.Color.lineColorAppearance
NameThe name of this component.String.nameCommon
Progress Bar BackgroundThe background color for the event progress bars.Color.progressBackgroundAppearance
Progress Bar BorderThe border color for the event progress bars.Color.progressBorderAppearance
Progress Bar FillThe color for 'done' portion the event progress bars.Color.progressFillAppearance
Resize EnabledControls whether or not scheduled events resized for duration changes.boolean.resizeEnabledBehavior
Row HeightThe height of each event's schedule
Schedule BackgroundThe background color of the schedule area.Color.scheduleBackgroundAppearance
Scheduled EventsThe scheduled events for all configured items.Dataset.scheduledEventsData
Selected Event BorderThe border for a selected scheduled event.Border.selectedEventBorderAppearance
Selected Event IDThe ID of the selected event.String.selectedEventData
Start DateThe beginning of the time range to display.Date.startDateData
VisibleIf disabled, the component will be hidden.boolean.visibleCommon


See the Equipment Schedule Scripting Functions page for the full list of scripting functions available for this component.

Event Handlers

Event handlers allow you to run a script based off specific triggers. See the full list of available event handlers on the Component Events page
