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Version: 7.9


This function is used in Python Scripting.


Reads the specified attributes for the given item over a time range. Attributes and their IDs are defined in the OPC-HDA specification, and can be discovered by calling system.opchda.getAttributes().

Client Permission Restrictions

This scripting function has no Client Permission restrictions.


system.opchda.readAttributes(serverName, itemId, attributeIds, startDate, endDate)


StringserverNameThe name of the defined OPC-HDA server to read.
StringitemIdThe itemID to retrieve attributes for.
StringattributeIdsThe integer IDs of the attributes to read. The attribute ids are defined in the OPC-HDA specification. The attributes can also be obtained by calling system.opchda.getAttributes(). Some servers may not support all attributes.
StringstartDateThe starting date/time of the query.
StringendDateThe ending date/time of the query.


ReadResults[] - A list of read results which is one-to-one with the requested attributes. The ReadResult object has a serviceResult quality property that indicates whether the call was successful, and is itself a list of QualifiedValues.

