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Version: 7.9


This function is used in Python Scripting.


Enables or disables an OPC server connection.

Client Permission Restrictions

Permission Type: OPC Server Management

Client access to this scripting function is blocked to users that do not meet the role/zone requirements for the above permission type. This function is unaffected when run in the Gateway scope.


system.opc.setServerEnabled(serverName, enabled)


StringserverNameThe name of an OPC server connection.
BooleanenabledThe new state the connection should be set to: true to enable the connection, false to disable.





Code Examples

Code Snippet
# The following will iterate through all configured OPC servers, and check if they are enabled or disabled
# If a OPC server is disabled, the code will enable it with a call to setServerEnabled
# This code interacts in the client scope, so it should be placed on a component, such as a Button.

# Retrieve a list of all servers in the gateway
allServers = system.opc.getServers()

# Initialize a message. The empty string is initially used so that the value may be checked later.
message = ""

# Iterate through each server.
for server in allServers:

# for each server, call isServerEnabled. Uses Python's "not" operator to check if a False value is returned.
if not system.opc.isServerEnabled(server):

# If disabled, then enable the server
system.opc.setServerEnabled(server, True)

# append details about the state change we made to the message variable
message += "%s \n" % (server)

# Check to see if any changes were made. If the length (len()) of the message is less than 1 character, then a change wasn't made.
if len(message) < 1:

# Notify the user that the code did not make any changes
system.gui.messageBox("No servers were modified")

# Otherwise, let the user know which servers we enabled.
system.gui.messageBox("The following servers were modified:\n" + message)