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Version: 7.9


This function is used in Python Scripting.


Allows browsing of OPC servers in the runtime returning a list of tags. browseSimple() takes mandatory parameters, which can be null, while browse() uses keyword-style arguments.


The spelling on the opcServer and device parameters must be exact.

Client Permission Restrictions

This scripting function has no Client Permission restrictions.


system.opc.browseSimple(opcServer, device, folderPath, opcItemPath )


StringopcServerThe name of the OPC server to browse
StringdeviceThe name of the device to browse
StringfolderPathFilters on a folder path. Use * as a wildcard for any number of characters and a ? for a single character.
StringopcItemPathFilters on a OPC item path. Use * as a wildcard for any number of characters and a ? for a single character.


OPCBrowseTag[] - An array of OPCBrowseTag objects. OPCBrowseTag has the following functions:

  • getOpcServer()
  • getOpcItemPath()
  • getType()
  • getDisplayName()
  • getDisplayPath()
  • getDataType()



Code Examples

Code Snippet
# This example will print out the the OPC item path for each item in a specific folder,

# Browse Ignition's OPC-UA Server. This can be changed to match any connected OPC server.
server = "Ignition OPC-UA Server"

# Focus on the "SLC" device connection. This must match a valid device connection in the OPC server.
device = "SLC"

# Specify that the folder path should contain "B3".
folderPath = "*B3*"

# This example is not filtering on a specific OPCItemPath, so it pass Python's None for this parameter
opcItemPath = None

# Call browseSimple and store the results in a variable. Note that it may take some time to complete the browse.
OpcObjects = system.opc.browseSimple(server, device, folderPath, opcItemPath)

# For each returned address, print out the
for address in OpcObjects:
print address.getOpcItemPath()