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Version: 7.9

Status Chart Scripting Functions

Scripting Functions

This component does not have scripting functions associated with it.

Extension Functions


  • Description

    • Return a formatted tool tip String
  • Parameters

    • Component self- A reference to the component that is invoking this function.

    • int seriesIndex- The series index corresponding to the column in the series dataset.

    • int selectedTimeStamp- The time stamp corresponding to the x value of the displayed tooltip. The time stamp is the number of seconds since the epoch.

    • int timeDiff- The width of the current status interval measured in seconds since the epoch.

    • int seletedStatus- The status value corresponding to the x value of the displayed tooltip.

    • PyDataset data- The series dataset as a PyDataset.

    • PyDataset properties- The series properties dataset as a PyDataset.

    • string defaultString- The default tooltip string.

  • Return

    • String defaultString
  • Scope

    • Client