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Version: 7.9

Common Reporting Tasks

This section contains examples for items we've identified as "common" tasks: undertakings that many users are looking to utilize when first starting out with a specific module or feature in Ignition. Additionally, this section aims to demystify some of the more complex or abstract tasks that our users may encounter.

The examples in this section are self-contained explanations that may touch upon many other areas of Ignition. While they are typically focused on a single goal or end result, they can easily be expanded or modified after the fact. In essence, they serve as a great starting point for users new to Ignition, as well as experienced users that need to get acquainted with a new or unfamiliar feature.

Below is a list of common tasks related to this section of the manual.

Report Workflow

Creating a sample report from start to finish. The Reports Workflow Tutorial will take you through all the different steps on how to bring in data, design a page, and schedule your report. This is a great place to start if you have used the Report module in the past and need a refresher, or if you are new to it and prefer concrete examples over the normal reference style pages of the manual.

Generate Barcodes

Creating sheets of product labels. The report module can quickly and easily generate Labels with Embedded Barcodes. Using one of the special components in the Report Designer components list, you can easily set up standard sizes of paper to print multiple labels from a dataset and even include scan-able barcodes and QR codes. Once printed, these labels can be used for shipping, product identification, or tracking.

Converting Legacy Reports

Convert old reports to the current format. The report module was updated in 7.8 and any reports older than that were designed in a different way. The current report module has a built in converter to Convert Legacy Reports to the new reporting format so you can start scheduling those reports without recreating them from scratch. This example demonstrates the simple conversion process to get you started in the "new" format.