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Version: 7.9

Report Viewer Scripting Functions

This page details the various component and extension functions available for Vision's Report Viewer component.

Component Functions

.print(printerName, showDialog)


The following print method will only work if a report has finished loading on the Report Viewer component.

  • Description

    • Uses the named printer and determine if the print dialog window should appear or not.
  • Parameters

    • String printerName - The name of the printer the report should be sent to. Will use the default printer if left blank. [optional]

    • Boolean showDialog - True if the dialog window should appear, False if the dialog window should be skipped. Will be true if left blank. [optional]

  • Return

    • None
  • Scope

    • Client


  • Description

    • Return the bytes of the generated report in the Report Viewer using PDF format.
  • Parameters

    • None
  • Return

    • Byte Array - The bytes of the report in PDF format.


      This function will return null if the trial has expired.

  • Scope

    • Client


  • Description

    • Return the bytes of the generated report in the Report Viewer using PNG format.
  • Parameters

    • Nothing
  • Return

    • Byte Array - The bytes of the report in PNG format.


      This function will return null if the trial has expired.

  • Scope

    • Client


  • Description

    • Prompts the user to save a copy of the report as a PDF. Shows a file selection window with the extension set to PDF.
  • Parameters

    • String fileName - A suggested filename to save the report as
  • Return

    • Nothing
  • Scope

    • Client


  • Description

    • Prompts the user to save a copy of the report as a PNG. Shows a file selection window with the extension set to PNG.
  • Keyword Args

    • String fileName - A suggested filename to save the report as.
  • Return

    • Nothing
  • Scope

    • Client


  • Description

    • Prompts the user to save a copy of the report as an XLS file. Shows a file selection window with the extension set to XLS.
  • Keyword Args

    • String fileName - A suggested filename to save the report as.
  • Return

    • Nothing
  • Scope

    • Client

Extension Functions


  • Description

    • Called when the Report generation process has been completed.
  • Keyword Args

    • Component self - A reference to the component invoking this method.

    • Byte Array pdfBytes - The PDF formatted bytes generated by the Report.

  • Return

    • Nothing
  • Scope

    • Client