This function is used in Python Scripting.
Gets a list of all secondary handles of the open desktops associated with the current client. In this case, secondary means any desktop frame opened by the original client frame.
For example, if the original client opened two new frames ('left client' and 'right client'), then this function would return ['left client', 'right client'].
See the Multi-Monitor Clients page for more details.
Client Permission Restrictions​
This scripting function has no Client Permission restrictions.
List[Any] - A Python list of unicode strings, representing the handle of all secondary desktop frames.
Vision Client
Code Examples​
Example #1 - Getting Desktop Handles
# The following example list all handles (except the main client)
# in the client console (Help -> Diagnostics -> Console)
print system.gui.getDesktopHandles()
Example #2 - Putting Desktop Handles in a Table
# Create the header and fetch handle names
header = ["Desktop Names"]
handleList = system.gui.getDesktopHandles()
# change the handle name list into a column
handleColumn = [[name] for name in handleList]
# display the handle list in a table component
event.source.parent.getComponent('Handles Table').data = system.dataset.toDataSet(header, handleColumn)