GUI Functions
The following functions allow you to control windows and create popup interfaces.
📄️ chooseColor
Prompts the user to pick a color using the default color-chooser dialog box.
📄️ closeDesktop
Allows you to close any of the open desktops associated with the current client.
📄️ color
Creates a new color object, either by parsing a string or by having the RGB[A] channels specified explicitly.
📄️ confirm
Displays a confirmation dialog box to the user with Yes and No options, and a custom message.
📄️ convertPointToScreen
Converts a pair of coordinates that are relative to the upper-left corner of a component to be relative to the upper-left corner of the entire screen.
📄️ createPopupMenu
Creates a new popup menu, which can then be shown over a component on a mouse event.
📄️ desktop
Allows for invoking system.gui functions on a specific desktop.
📄️ errorBox
Displays an error-style message box to the user.
📄️ findWindow
Finds and returns a list of windows with the given path.
📄️ getCurrentDesktop
Returns the handle of the desktop this function was called from.
📄️ getScreenIndex
Returns an integer value representing the current screen index based on the screen from which this function was called.
📄️ getDesktopHandles
Gets a list of all secondary handles of the open desktops associated with the current client.
📄️ getOpenedWindowNames
Finds all of the currently open windows and returns a tuple of their paths.
📄️ getOpenedWindows
Finds all of the currently open windows and returns a tuple of references to them.
📄️ getParentWindow
Finds the parent (enclosing) window for the component that fired an event and returns a reference to it.
📄️ getQuality
Returns the data quality for the property of the given component as an integer.
📄️ getScreens
Get a list of all the monitors on the computer this client is open on.
📄️ getSibling
Given a component event object, looks up a sibling component.
📄️ getWindow
Finds a reference to an open window with the given name.
📄️ getWindowNames
Returns a list of the paths of all windows in the current project, sorted alphabetically.
📄️ inputBox
Opens up a popup input dialog box.
📄️ isTouchscreenModeEnabled
Checks whether or not the running Client's Touch Screen mode is currently enabled.
📄️ messageBox
Displays an informational-style message popup box to the user.
📄️ openDesktop
Creates an additional Desktop in a new frame.
📄️ openDiagnostics
Opens the client runtime diagnostics window, which provides information regarding performance, logging, active threads, connection status, and the console.
📄️ passwordBox
Pops up a special input box that uses a password field, so the text isn't echoed back in clear-text to the user.
📄️ setScreenIndex
Moves an open client to a specific monitor.
📄️ setTouchscreenModeEnabled
Alters a running Client's Touch Screen mode on the fly.
📄️ showNumericKeypad
Displays a modal on-screen numeric keypad, allowing for arbitrary numeric entry using the mouse, or a finger on a touchscreen monitor.
📄️ showTouchscreenKeyboard
Displays a modal on-screen keyboard, allowing for arbitrary text entry using the mouse, or a finger on a touchscreen monitor.
📄️ transform
Sets a component's position and size at runtime.
📄️ warningBox
Displays a message to the user in a warning style popup dialog.
Functions by Scope
- chooseColor
- closeDesktop
- color
- confirm
- convertPointToScreen
- createPopupMenu
- desktop
- errorBox
- findWindow
- getCurrentDesktop
- getDesktopHandles
- getOpenedWindowNames
- getOpenedWindows
- getParentWindow
- getQuality
- getScreenIndex
- getScreens
- getSibling
- getWindow
- getWindowNames
- inputBox
- isTouchscreenModeEnabled
- messageBox
- openDesktop
- openDiagnostics
- passwordBox
- setScreenIndex
- setTouchscreenModeEnabled
- showNumericKeypad
- showTouchscreenKeyboard
- transform
- warningBox
- system.gui.ACCL_NONE = 0
- system.gui.ACCL_CONSTANT = 1
- system.gui.ACCL_FAST_TO_SLOW = 2
- system.gui.ACCL_SLOW_TO_FAST = 3
- system.gui.ACCL_EASE = 4
- system.gui.COORD_SCREEN = 0
- system.gui.COORD_DESIGNER = 1