Perspective Functions
The following functions offer various ways to interact with a Perspective session from a Python script.
📄️ alterDock
Changes configuration of a specified dock on a Perspective Page.
📄️ alterLogging
Changes Perspective Session logging attributes and levels.
📄️ authenticationChallenge
Triggers an authentication challenge action.
📄️ closeDock
Closes a docked view.
📄️ closePage
Closes the page with the given page id or the current page if no page id is provided.
📄️ closePopup
Closes a popup view.
📄️ closeSession
Closes the Perspective Session with the given sessionID or the current Session if no ID is provided.
📄️ download
Downloads data from the Gateway to a device running a Session.
📄️ getProjectInfo
Returns a dictionary of meta data from a Perspective Project.
📄️ getSessionInfo
Returns information about one or more Perspective Sessions.
📄️ isAuthorized
Checks if the user in the current Session is authorized against a target collection of security levels.
📄️ login
Triggers a login event that will allow the user to log in with the project's configured Identity Provider (IdP).
📄️ logout
Triggers a logout event, which will log the user out.
📄️ navigate
Navigate the session to a specified view or mounted page.
📄️ navigateBack
Navigate the session to a specified view or mounted page.
📄️ navigateForward
Navigate the session to a specified view or mounted page. This is similar to a browser's "forward" function.
📄️ openDock
Opens a docked View. Requires the preconfigured dock ID for the view.
📄️ openPopup
Open a popup view over the given page.
Prints the supplied message to the local console or the gateway logs, as appropriate.
📄️ refresh
Triggers a refresh of the page.
📄️ sendMessage
Send a message to a message handler within the same session.
📄️ setTheme
Changes the theme in a page to the specified theme.
📄️ toggleDock
Toggles a docked view.
📄️ togglePopup
Opens or closes a popup view.
📄️ vibrateDevice
Cause a device running the Perspective Mobile App to vibrate.