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Version: 7.9

Mobile Client Settings

Common Mobile Settings

With the Mobile module installed, you can launch your projects on any modern smartphone or tablet. This ability does not require any re-design of your projects – a mobile Client launches the same projects that the Vision Clients launch.

See the Mobile Module for more information.

There is very little setup involved with the mobile module. Usually, with the exception of the the Server Address setting, you can keep all the the default settings.

  1. Go to the Configure section of the Gateway.
  2. Scroll down and go to Mobile > Settings page.

Setting the Java Path

Inductive University

Setting Java Path

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The mobile clients can either use the same Java version as the Ignition server or it might be necessary to set a specific path to the Java version that you want the mobile clients to access. A likely scenario for this is if the Ignition server is upgraded to run on Java 9 but the underlying technology that the Mobile client uses to run can be limited to Java 8 pending technological upgrades in the future. Regardless, setting the Java path will result in more control over which version of Java runs the mobile clients. The settings take either the system path such as Java or a full path to the java.exe file.

To Set the Java Path

  1. Go to the Configure section of the Gateway.
  2. Scroll down, go to Mobile > Settings page. See the Java Path setting with java as the default path to the Java executable.
  3. Enter the path in Java Path, for example, for Java 8 JRE you enter: C:\Program Files\Java\jre8\bin\java.exe

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The mobile module will not work with Java 9+. If your Gateway is running on Java 9, you will need to install Java 8 and set the Java Path property of the mobile settings to it.

Setting Max Mobile Clients

Inductive University

Setting Max Mobile Clients

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You can set the max number of concurrent mobile Clients in the Gateway Home page. This is a safety measure, because each Client consumes resources on the Gateway. Limiting the number of Clients to be launched prevents overloading the Gateway server.

To Set the Max Number of Mobile Clients

  1. Go to the Configure section of the Gateway.
  2. Scroll down, go to Mobile > Settings page. You will see the Max Clients setting, which is set to 15 by default. Max Clients is the max number of concurrent mobile clients. This number is set as a safety measure, because each client consumes resources on the Gateway, and limiting clients prevents overloading the Gateway server.

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Available Mobile Settings


Java PathThe path to the Java executable on the Ignition Gateway server machine. The Java 8 JRE is required for the mobile module. Mobile will not work with java 9. The default is java, which assumes that Java 8 is on the path and can be invoked merely with the java keyword.
Client MemoryThe max amount of heap space allowed for each mobile client VM that is launched. Mobile clients are virtual clients that are launched on the server. All of the work is done on the server and transmitted to the mobile device so keep in mind that more mobile clients means more memory and CPU consumption on the server.
JVM OptionsCommand-line JVM options to use when launching mobile client VM's. Multiple options are separated with spaces. This option is made available mostly for troubleshooting by technical support staff, but if you are familiar with java and comfortable with command-line arguments, you can specify ones you may find useful.
Environment VariablesThe environment variables to pass to the mobile client VM process. Use the NAME=VALUE format, one per line.
Max ClientsThe max number of concurrent mobile clients allowed. This is a safety measure, because each client consumes resources on the Gateway. Limiting clients prevents overloading the Gateway server. (default: 15)
Server AddressThis is the address to use when launching from the QR code on the launch page. This is a setting that often causes confusion. Initially this value is blank by default which results in the QR code pointing to the address of http://localhost:8088/. Since Ignition is not running on your mobile device, this address will not actually launch the mobile homepage. This should be set to the Ignition server address that can be reached by the mobile device.
Required RolesA comma separated list of roles required to view the mobile homepage. If blank, no login will be required to view the project-listing page. (default: blank)
Auto-select Single ProjectBoolean. If there is only one mobile-enabled project, skip the project listing screen and automatically choose that project. (default: true)
Client DebugBoolean. Displays debugging information in the client web interface.


Callback PortThe port that the mobile Client VMs use to communicate to the Gateway on. The default is 45900, but if this port is already in use, you need to change this to an available port.
Callback InterfaceThe interface that mobile client VMs should use to communicate back to the Gateway on. The default, localhost, makes use of the loopback adapter, however if this host doesn't have a loopback adapter or if there are two network cards, set this to the IP address of the NIC that should be used for local loopback.
AJAX TimeoutThe max time, in milliseconds, that each request has to complete. The default is 10,000 (10sec).
Image Fetch StrategyThe way in which images are retrieved. URL will fetch each image via a separate URL, and Base64 will encode each image in-line with the rectangle fetch command. (default: Base64)
Refresh DelayThe delay, in milliseconds, between web client screen-refresh requests. (default: 150)
Session TimeoutThe timeout (in sec) for idle mobile web sessions. (default: 120)
Session Invalidation Retry Count
New in 7.9.9

When set to a number greater than zero, allows the client attempt to reconnection should its session become invalidated. Note that this property requires that auto-login is enabled on the project, as the retry will use the auto-login credentials.

Advanced Properties

The Mobile Module also has an option to allow VNC connections. This allows certain thin clients that do not support the Java Runtime Environment and also do not have an HTML 5 compatible browser to launch Ignition clients. The settings listed under the advanced properties section all have to do with configuring the VNC connection.

VNC Settings

Enable VNCAllows direct thin-client connection over VNC (also known as, RFB) protocol.
VNC PortThe port used for the VNC connections.
Project NameThe Mobile module only allows one of the projects on the Ignition Gateway to be viewed through VNC so you have to specify that project here. Unlike the normal mobile launch screen that allows you to choose a project, the project that you specify in this setting will be automatically launched when you connect via a VNC viewer application.
Project WidthThe width of the project when it's launched.
Project HeightThe height of the project when it is launched.