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Version: 7.9

Tree View Scripting Functions

This page details the various component and extension functions available for Vision's Tree View component.

Component Functions


  • Description
    • Clears the current selection.
  • Parameters
    • Nothing
  • Return
    • Nothing
  • Scope
    • Client


  • Description
    • Collapses all nodes in the tree.
  • Parameters
    • Nothing
  • Return
    • Nothing
  • Scope
    • Client


  • Description
    • Expands all nodes in the tree.
  • Parameters
    • Nothing
  • Return
    • Nothing
  • Scope
    • Client


  • Description
    • Returns a list of the selected item's indexes. These are the row indexes that the selected tree nodes were found in the underlying dataset. Implicitly created folder nodes that have no index will not be included.
  • Parameters
    • Nothing
  • Return
    • List of Integers
  • Scope
    • Client


  • Description
    • Returns a list of the selected item's paths. A path to an item is the path to its parent plus its normal (non-selected) text.
  • Parameters
    • Nothing
  • Return
    • List of Strings
  • Scope
    • Client

Extension Functions

This component does not have extension functions associated with it.