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Version: 7.9

Template Repeater

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Inductive University

Template Repeater

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The Template Repeater repeats instances of templates any number of times. It can arrange them vertically, horizontally, or in a "flow" layout, which can either be top-to-bottom or left-to-right. If there are too many to fit, a scrollbar will be shown. This makes it easy to quickly create screens that represent many similar pieces of equipment. It also can be used to create screens that are dynamic, and automatically configure themselves based on configuration stored in a database or tag structure. When first dropped on a window, the template repeater will look like any other empty container. To select the template to repeat, configure the repeater's Template Path property. There are two ways to set how many times the template should repeat:

  • Count - The template will be repeated X times, where X is the value of "Repeat Count". The repeat count starts at zero and increments X amount of times. Each value for X will be inserted into the custom property of the template that will be repeated. Template repeater inserts the value of X into the custom property on the template with the same name as the template repeater's "Index Property Name." For example, if the template has a custom property of "index" and the template repeater's Index Property Name is also "index," then the template will be repeated X many time with the value of X being inserted into the template's custom property called "index."
  • Dataset - The template will be repeated once for each row in the "Template Parameters" dataset. The template's custom properties with the same names as the dataset's column names will assume the values of each row of the dataset.

An Example of configuring the Template Repeater can be found on the Template Repeater Component page.


NameDescriptionProperty TypeScriptingCategory
Background ColorThe background color of the component.Color.backgroundAppearance
BorderThe border surrounding this component. NOTE that the border is unaffected by rotation.Border.borderCommon
Data QualityThe data quality code for any tag bindings on this
Flow AlignmentAlignment for "Flow" layout
Flow DirectionWhen the layout style is flow, this property controls if the components in the container flow horizontally or
Horizontal GapThe gap size to use for horizontal
Index Parameter NameA name of an integer parameter on the template that will be set to an index number.String.indexParamNameBehavior
Layout StyleControls how the repeated template instances are laid out inside the
NameThe name of this component.String.nameCommon
Repeat Behavior

"Count" will repeat the template a number of times, assigning each template an index number.

"Dataset" will repeat the template once per row in the template parameter's dataset.

Repeat CountThe template will be repeated this many times, if the repeat behavior is set to "Count."int.repeatCountBehavior
Template ParametersThis dataset will be used to control the number of templates and the parameters set on the templates if the repeat behavior is set to "Dataset."Dataset.templateParamsBehavior
Template PathThe path to the template that this container will repeat.String.templatePathBehavior
Vertical GapThe gap size to use for vertical
VisibleIf disabled, the component will be hidden.boolean.visibleCommon


See the Template Repeater Scripting Functions page for the full list of scripting functions available for this component.

Event Handlers

Event handlers allow you to run a script based off specific triggers. See the full list of available event handlers on the Component Events page.



Code Snippet: getLoadedTemplates()
#This script will call getLoadedTemplates() on a Template Repeater, and
#then print the text property of a Label component in each instance

#Store a reference to the Template Repeater component in a variable
repeater = event.source.parent.getComponent('Template Repeater')

#Store the list of templates in another variable
templateList = repeater.getLoadedTemplates()

#Iterate through the list
for template in templateList:
#find a component named "Label" in the instance,
#and print the value of the text property
print template.getComponent('Label').text