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Version: 7.9


This function is used by Ignition's Expression language..


Tries to coerce value into an integer (32-bit integer). If value is a number, the conversion is direct (with possible loss of precision). If value is a string, it is parsed to see if it represents an integer. If not, type casting fails. Will round if appropriate.


toInt(value[, failover])

  • Parameters

    • object value - The value to type cast.

    • object failover - Optional. The failover value if type casting fails.

  • Results

    • int - The value type cast as an int.


Code Snippet
toInt("38") //returns 38
Code Snippet
toInt("33.9") // returns 34
Code Snippet
toInt({Root Container.TextField.text}, -1) //returns the value in the text box as an int, or -1 if the value doesn't represent an number.