The following functions allow you to search or modify string values in expression bindings.
📄️ concat
Concatenates all of the strings passed in as arguments together.
📄️ escapeSQL
Returns the given string with special SQL characters escaped.
📄️ escapeXML
Returns the given string after being escaped to be valid for inclusion in XML.
📄️ fromBinary
Returns an integer value of the binary formatted string argument.
📄️ fromHex
Returns an integer value of the hex formatted string argument.
📄️ fromOctal
Returns an integer value of the octal formatted string argument.
📄️ indexOf
Searches for the first occurrence of the substring inside of string.
📄️ lastIndexOf
Searches for the last occurrence of the substring inside of string.
📄️ left
Returns count characters from the left side of string, where count and string are the arguments to the function.
📄️ len
Returns the length of the argument, which may be a string or a dataset.
📄️ lower
Takes a string and returns a lower-case version of it.
📄️ numberFormat
Returns a string version of the number argument, formatted as specified by the pattern string.
📄️ repeat
Repeats the given string some number of times.
📄️ replace
Finds all occurrences of a substring inside of a source string, and replaces them with the replacement string.
📄️ right
Returns count number of characters starting from the right side of string, where count and string are the arguments to the function.
📄️ split
Takes the starting string and splits it into substrings
📄️ stringFormat
Returns a formatted string using the specified format string and arguments.
📄️ substring
Will return the portion of the string from the startIndex to the endIndex, or end of the string if endIndex is not specified
📄️ toBinary
Returns a binary formatted string representing the unsigned integer argument.
📄️ toHex
Returns a hex formatted string representing the unsigned integer argument.
📄️ toOctal
Returns an octal formatted string representing the unsigned integer argument.
📄️ trim
Takes the argument string and trims of any leading and/or trailing whitespace
📄️ upper
Takes a string and returns an upper-case version of it.