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Version: 7.9

Alarm Journal Table

Inductive University

Alarm Journal Table

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The alarm journal table provides a built-in view to explore alarm history that has been stored in an alarm journal. If you only have one alarm journal specified on your Gateway, then you do not need to specify the journal name. If you have more than one specified, then you need to provide the name of the journal you'd like to query.

The journal table shows the alarm history that is found between the Start Date and End Date properties. When you first put an alarm journal table on a window, these properties will be set to show the most recent few hours of journal history. Note that without further configuration, the journal table will always show the few hours before it was created. To properly configure an alarm journal table,please bind its start and end date properties to something what will update, such as the Date Range component or expressions involving the time now(). This way, you can configure it so that operators can choose the time to display, or have dates will be update automatically to have it poll.

To change the columns that are displayed, the order of the columns, and/or the column width, put the Designer into preview mode. Then right-click on the table header to show/hide columns. Click and drag to re-order columns, and drag the margins of the columns to resize their width. No further action is necessary - the column configuration will remain in place after the window is saved.


Additional examples of configuring the Alarm Journal Table can be found on the Alarm Journal Table Component page.


NameDescriptionProperty TypeScriptingCategory
Acked EventsShow acked events.boolean.includeAckedEventsFilters
Active EventsShow active events.boolean.includeActiveEventsFilters
AntialiasDraw with antialias on? Makes text smoother.boolean.antialiasAppearance
BorderThe border surrounding this component. NOTE that the border is unaffected by rotation.Border.borderCommon
Cleared EventsShow cleared events.boolean.includeClearedEventsFilters
Data QualityThe data quality code for any tag bindings on this
Date FormatA date format pattern used to format dates in the table. If blank, the default format for the locale is used.String.dateFormatAppearance
Display Path FilterFilter alarms by alarm display path, falling back to the source path if display path isn't set. Specify multiple paths by separating them with commas. Supports the wildcard "*".String.displayPathFilterFilters
EnabledIf disabled, a component cannot be used.boolean.componentEnabledCommon
End DateThe ending date for the displayed history range. If left blank, will default to the current time when the component was loaded.Date.endDateBehavior
Is FilteredTrue if the results are filtered. (Read-only)boolean.isFilteredBehavior
Journal NameThe name of the alarm journal to query.String.journalNameBehavior
Max PriorityThe maximum priority to
Min PriorityThe minimum priority to
NameThe name of this component.String.nameCommon
Notes Area BorderThe border surrounding the notes area.Border.notesAreaBorderAppearance
Notes Area FontThe font for the notes area.Font.notesAreaFontAppearance
Notes Area LocationThe location of the notes display
Notes Area SizeThe size of the notes area, in
Number FormatA number format string to control the format of the value column.String.numberFormatAppearance
Read TimeoutThe timeout, in milliseconds, for running the alarm history
Row HeightThe height, in pixels, for each row of the
Row StylesA dataset containing the different styles configured for different alarm states.Dataset.rowStylesAppearance
Search StringFilter alarms by searching for a string in both source path and display path.String.searchStringFilters
Selected AlarmsA dataset containing each selected alarm. (Read-only)Dataset.selectedAlarmsData
Selection ColorThe color of the selection border.Color.selectionColorAppearance
Selection ThicknessThe size of the selection
Show Table HeaderToggles visibility of the table's header.boolean.showTableHeaderAppearance
Source FilterFilter alarms by alarm source path. Specify multiple paths by separating them with commas. Supports the wildcard "*".String.sourceFilterFilters
Start DateThe starting date for the displayed history range. If left blank, will default to 8 hours prior to when the component was loaded.Date.startDateBehavior
System EventsShow system events such as startup and shutdown.boolean.includeSystemEventsFilters
Table BackgroundThe background of the alarm table.Color.tableBackgroundAppearance
Touchscreen ModeControls when this input component responds if touchscreen mode is
VisibleIf disabled, the component will be hidden.boolean.visibleCommon


Scripting Functions

.print(fitWidth, headerFormat, footerFormat, showDialog, landscape)

  • Description

    • This specialized print function will paginate the table onto multiple pages. This function accepts keyword-style invocation.
  • Keyword Args

    • boolean fitWidth - If true, the table's width will be stretched to fit across one page's width. Rows will still paginate normally. If false, thetable will paginate columns onto extra pages. (default = true) [optional]
    • string headerFormat - A string to use as the table's page header. The substring "{0}" will be replaced with the current page number. (default = None) [optional]
    • string footerFormat - A string to use as the table's page footer. The substring "{0}" will be replaced with the current page number. (default = "Page {0}") [optional]
    • boolean showDialog - Whether or not the print dialog should be shown to the user. Default is true. [optional]
    • boolean landscape - Used to specify portrait (0) or landscape (1) mode. Default is portrait (0). [optional]
  • Return

    • Boolean- True if the print job was successful.
  • Scope

    • Client
New in 7.9.7
  • Description
    • Returns a dataset of the alarms currently displayed in the Alarm Status Table component. The columns will be: EventId, Source, DisplayPath, EventTime, State, and Priority.
  • Keyword Args
    • None
  • Return
    • Dataset - A dataset of alarms.
  • Scope
    • Client

Extension Functions


  • Description
    • Returns a popup menu that will be displayed when the user triggers a popup menu (right click) in the table. Use system.gui.createPopupMenu() to create the popup menu.
  • Parameters
    • Component self- A reference to the component that is invoking this function.
    • List selectedAlarmEvents - The alarm events selected on the Alarm Status Table. For an individual alarm Event, call alarmEvent.get('propertyName') to inspect. Common properties: 'name', 'source', 'priority'.
  • Return
  • Scope
    • Client


  • Description
    • Called for each event loaded into the alarm status table. Return false to hide this event from the table. This code is executed in a background thread.
  • Parameters
    • Component self- A reference to the component that is invoking this function.
    • Alarm Event alarmEvent - The alarm event itself. Call alarmEvent.get('propertyName') to inspect. Common properties: 'name', 'source','priority'.
  • Return
    • Boolean- Returns true or false for every alarm event in the table. True will show the alarm. False will not show the alarm.
  • Scope
    • Client


  • Description
    • Called when an alarm is double-clicked on to provide custom functionality.
  • Parameters
    • Component self- A reference to the component that is invoking this function.
    • Alarm Event alarmEvent - The alarm event that was double clicked. For an individual alarmEvent, call alarmEvent.get('propertyName') to inspect. Common properties: 'name', 'source', 'priority'.
  • Return
    • Nothing
  • Scope
    • Client

Event Handlers

Event handlers allow you to run a script based off specific triggers. See the full list of available event handlers on the Component Events page
