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Version: 8.1

This function is used in Python Scripting.


Provides a general use object that can be used to send and receive HTTP requests. The object created by this function is a wrapper around Java's HttpClient class. Usage requires creating a JythonHttpClient object with a call to, then calling a method (such as get(), post()) on the JythonHttpClient to actually issue a request.

To learn more about Java's HttpClient class, click the link corresponding to your version of Ignition:


Be aware that httpClient instances are heavyweight, so they should be created sparingly and reused as much as possible. For ease of reuse, consider instantiating a new httpClient as a top-level variable in a project library script.

Client Permission Restrictions

This scripting function has no Client Permission restrictions.

Syntax[timeout], [bypass_cert_validation], [username], [password], [proxy], [cookie_policy], [redirect_policy], [version], [customizer])


IntegertimeoutA value, in milliseconds, to set the client’s connect timeout setting to. Defaults to 60000. [optional]
Booleanbypass_cert_validationA boolean indicating whether the client should attempt to validate the certificates of remote servers, if connecting via HTTPS/SSL. Defaults to False. [optional]
StringusernameA string indicating the username to use for authentication if the remote server requests authentication; specifically, by responding with a WWW-Authenticate or Proxy-Authenticate header. Only supports Basic authentication. If username is specified but not password, an empty string will be used for the password in the Basic Authentication response. Defaults to None. [optional]
StringpasswordA string indicating the password to use for authentication. Defaults to None. [optional]
StringproxyThe address of a proxy server, which will be used for HTTP and HTTPS traffic. If a port is not specified as part of that address, it will be assumed from the protocol in the URL, i.e. 80/443. Defaults to None. [optional]
Stringcookie_policyA string representing this client’s cookie policy. Accepts values "ACCEPT_ALL", "ACCEPT_NONE", and "ACCEPT_ORIGINAL_SERVER" . [Defaults to "ACCEPT_ORIGINAL_SERVER"]
Stringredirect_policyA string representing this client’s redirect policy. Acceptable values are listed below. Defaults to "Never". [optional]
  • "NEVER" - never allow redirects
  • "ALWAYS" - allow redirects
  • "NORMAL" - allows redirects, except those that would downgrade to insecure addresses (i.e., HTTPS redirecting to HTTP)
New in 8.1.16
A string specifying either HTTP_2 or HTTP_1_1 for the HTTP protocol. When omitted, the previous default of HTTP_2 is implied. [optional]
CallablecustomizerA reference to a function. This function will be called with one argument (an instance of HttpClient.Builder). The function should operate on that builder instance, which allows for customization of the created HTTP client. Defaults to None. [optional]


JythonHttpClient - An object wrapped around an instance of Java's HttpClient class. The httpClient object has methods that can be called to execute HTTP requests against a server. See the panel below for more details.


Gateway, Vision Client, Perspective Session


Once a JythonHttpClient object has been created, it can be used to handle many HTTP requests without needing to create a new client. Individual HTTP requests can be made with the methods detailed below.

JythonHttpClient Methods

Most of the following methods return either a Response object, or a Promise object that will eventually resolve to a Response object, if asynchronous. Asynchronous means that the method will be called, but will not block script execution - so multiple asynchronous calls to network services can be made in succession, without each call "waiting" for the result of the previous. Parameters for these functions are documented below.

MethodDescriptionReturn type
.get()Sends an HTTP GET call, blocking for a response.Response
.getAsync()Sends an HTTP GET call without blocking.Promise
.post()Sends an HTTP POST call, blocking for a response.Response
.postAsync()Sends an HTTP POST call without blocking.Promise
.put()Sends an HTTP PUT call, blocking for a response.Response
.putAsync()Sends an HTTP PUT call without blocking.Promise
.delete()Sends an HTTP DELETE call, blocking for a response.Response
.deleteAsync()Sends an HTTP DELETE call without blocking.Promise
.patch()Sends an HTTP PATCH call, blocking for a response.Response
.patchAsync()Sends an HTTP PATCH call without blocking.Promise
.head()Sends an HTTP HEAD call, blocking for a response.Response
.headAsync()Sends an HTTP HEAD call without blocking.Promise
.options()Sends an HTTP OPTIONS call, blocking for a response.Response
.optionsAsync()Sends an HTTP OPTIONS call without blocking.Promise
.trace()Sends an HTTP TRACE call, blocking for a response.Response
.traceAsync()Sends an HTTP TRACE call, without blocking for a response.Promise
.request()Sends an HTTP request, using a verb specified by the method parameter. Use this method in cases where a non-standard verb is required, and you need the call to block.Response
.requestAsync()Sends an HTTP request, with a verb specified by the method parameter. Use this method in cases where a non-standard verb is required, and you do not want the call to block.Promise
New in 8.1.10

Used to override the JSON serialization behavior on the client instance. Expects a single argument, which is a configured Gson instance. In most cases this method is unnecessary, but it can be useful in cases where the default serialization casts values in an unwanted way. To learn more, see GsonBuilder
from com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.gson import GsonBuilder

# Create the client instance
client =

# Create a new
altGson = GsonBuilder().serializeNulls().create()


Parameters in this section can be used by any of the methods above. Exceptions to this rule will be defined on each parameter.

StringurlThe URL to connect to. [required]
StringmethodThe method to use in the request. [Required. Used by .request() and .requestAsync() only.]
String or DictionaryparamsURL parameters to send with the request. Defaults to None. [optional]
  • If supplied as a string, will be directly appended to the URL.
  • If supplied as a dictionary, key/value pairs will be automatically URL encoded.
String or Dictionary or byte[]dataData to send in the request. Defaults to None. [optional]
  • String data will be sent with a Content-Type of text/plain; charset=UTF-8, unless a different Content-Type header was specified.
  • Dictionaries will be automatically encoded into JSON to send to the target server, with a Content-Type header set to application/json;charset=UTF-8 unless a different Content-Type header was specified.
  • Byte arrays will be streamed directly to the target server, with a Content-Type header of application/octet-stream unless a different Content-Type header was specified.
StringfileThe path to a file, relative to the HTTP client instance. If specified, and the path is valid, the data in the file will be sent to the remote server. The file attribute overrides any value set in data; only the file’s data will be sent. Defaults to None. [optional]
DictionaryheadersA dictionary of HTTP headers to send with the request. Defaults to None. [optional]
StringusernameUsername to add to a Basic Authorization header in the outgoing request. If username is specified, but not password, the password is encoded as an empty string. Defaults to None. [optional]
StringpasswordPassword to add to a Basic Authorization header in the outgoing request. Defaults to None. [optional]
IntegertimeoutThe read timeout for this request, in milliseconds. Defaults to 60000. [optional]

JythonHttpClient Attributes

This section documents available attributes on the JythonHttpClient object.

AttributeDescriptionReturn Type
.cookieManagerReturns a CookieManager, which can be used to get or set cookies on requests from this client, or to override the cookie storage policy of the client.CookieManager
.javaClientReturns the underlying Java HTTPClient instance.HTTPClient


Each JythonHttpClient instance has an attached CookieManager. This CookieManager can be accessed to retrieve cookies set by external web services, or to set cookies (i.e., for authentication) before a request is made.

CookieManager Methods and Attributes

This section details methods on the CookieManager. Setting the cookie policy is easiest on the initial call, but the policy on the CookieManager can be overridden with a call to the built-in| setCookiePolicy method. Policies are defined in the Java CookiePolicy interface.

AttributeDescriptionReturn Type
Returns the underlying CookieStore, which can be used to add, remove, or get cookies that have been set by requests from the parent HttpClient instance. See the Java CookieStore interface for more information.CookieStore
Sends an HTTP GET call, blocking for a response.CookiePolicy
.setCookiePolicy(policy)Sets a new CookiePolicy. See the Java CookiePolicy interface for more information.None
from import CookiePolicy

client =
manager = client.getCookieManager()

Response Object

This section documents the Response object, returned by the request methods on the JythonHttpClient object. This object is simply a wrapper for Java's HTTPResponse object.

Response Methods and Attributes

This section details methods on the Response object.

Method and/or AttributeDescriptionData type
Returns the response content directly.Byte Array
Returns the response content as a dictionary, decoded with the encoding specified by the response. The optional encoding parameter can be used to specified how the JSON should be decoded before being mapped into Python objects (dictionary, list, etc). If the response is not valid JSON, an error will be thrown.Dictionary
Returns the response content, decoded as a string - either with the charset specified by the response (defaulting to UTF-8 if not specified by the remote server), or using the encoding specified in the function call.String
Return the status code of the response object (i.e., 200 or 404).Integer
Returns True if the response was good (i.e., 200) or False if it was a client or server error (status code between 400 and 599).Boolean
Returns True if the response was a client error, as in an HTTP 4XX response.Boolean
Returns True if the response was a server error, as in an HTTP 5XX response.Boolean
Returns the URL this Response connected to.String
Returns a case-insensitive “dictionary” of headers present on the response. Values will always be in a list, even if only a single header value was returned.Dictionary
Returns the underlying Java HttpResponse behind this Response.HttpResponse
Returns the CookieManager. See the CookieManager section for more details.CookieManager
Returns a RequestWrapper object, which has details about the original request that was sent to return this response.RequestWrapper

Promise Object

This section documents the Promise object, which is returned by the asynchronous methods available on the JythonHttpClient object. This object is a wrapper around Java's CompletableFuture class, and will return some different object once completed with .get().

Promise Methods and Attributes

Method and/or AttributeDescriptionData type
.get([timeout])Block for timeout until a result is available. The result object can technically be any type, if chaining, but will be a Response object when calling one of the HTTPClient methods. If the timeout is met without a result, an exception will be thrown. The timeout, if unspecified, is 60000 milliseconds (60 seconds).Any
.then(callback)Allows for chaining, by returning a new Promise which wraps the provided callback. The callback parameter should be a Python function that either accepts two arguments (the result, or an error, either of which can be None) or a single argument, but is able to accept exceptions as well as valid values.Promise
.handleException(callback)In the event of an exception in a potential chain of promises, handleException will be called with one argument (the thrown error) and is expected to return a new fallback value for the next step in the promise chain.Promise
.whenComplete(callback)Call the provided callback when this promise finishes evaluating. Callback will be called with return value as the first argument, and any thrown error as the second argument. Any return value will be ignored.None
.cancel()Attempt to cancel the wrapped Java future. Returns True if the cancellation succeeded.Boolean
Returns the underlying Java CompletableFuture object that this Promise contains.CompletableFuture
Returns True if the underlying future has completed - regardless of whether it was a good result or exception.Boolean

RequestWrapper Object

This section documents the RequestWrapper object, which is simply a wrapper around Java's HTTPRequest object. This object can be used to determine details about the request that was originally sent to populate a Response object.

RequestWrapper Methods and Attributes

This section details methods on the RequestWrapper object.

Method and/or AttributeDescriptionData type
Returns the actual URL that was contacted in the request.String
Return the HTTP method used in this request; GET, POST, PATCH, etc.String
Returns a case-insensitive “dictionary” of headers present on the request. Values will always be in a list, even if only a single value is present.Dictionary
Returns the timeout this query was set to, or -1 if the timeout was invalid.Integer
Returns the HTTP version used for this request; will be either HTTP_1_1 or HTTP_2.String
Returns the underlying Java HttpRequest object directly.HttpRequest

Code Examples

Example #1
# Create the JythonHttpClient.
client =

# Sent a GET request.
response = client.get("", params={"a": 1, "b": 2})

# Validate the response.
if response.good:
# Do something with the response
print response.json['args']['a']
Example #2 - Waiting for a Response
client =

# Send a non-blocking request to an endpoint that will wait 3 seconds.
promise = client.getAsync("", params={"a": 1, "b": 2})

# This will print before we get a response from the endpoint.
print "doing something while waiting..."
# do more work here...

# After the work on the previous lines, we can now block and wait for a response.
response = promise.get()
if response.good:
print response.json['args']['a']