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Version: 7.9

Roster Management Scripting Functions

This page details the various component and extension functions available for Vision's Roster Management component.

Component Functions

This component does not have scripting functions associated with it.

Extension Functions


  • Description

    • Called for each roster loaded into the management table. Return false to hide this roster from the management table. This code is executed in a background thread.
  • Parameters

    • Component self - A reference to the component that is invoking this function.
    • User Object roster - The name of the roster.
  • Return

    • Boolean
  • Scope

    • Client


  • Description

    • Called for each user in a user source to be shown as an available user for the roster currently being edited. Return false to hide this user so that it cannot be added to the roster. This code is executed in a background thread.
  • Parameters

    • Component self - A reference to the component that is invoking this function.
    • String roster - The name of the roster being edited.
    • String userSource - The name of the user source being used to populate the list of available users.
    • User Object user - The user object itself. Call user.get('propertyName') to inspect. Common properties: 'username','schedule','language'. Call user.getRoles() for a list of rolenames.
  • Return

    • Boolean
  • Scope

    • Client


  • Description

    • Called when the save button is pressed when editing a roster. This code is executed in a background thread.
  • Parameters

    • Component self - A reference to the component that is invoking this function.
    • Object saveContext - An object that can be used to reject the edit by calling saveContext.rejectSave('reason')
    • String rosterName - The name of the roster being edited.
  • Return

    • Nothing
  • Scope

    • Client


  • Description

    • Called when the add button is pressed. This code is executed in a background thread.
  • Parameters

    • Component self - A reference to the component that is invoking this function.
    • Object createContext - An object that can be used to reject the edit by calling createContext.rejectCreate('reason').
    • String rosterName - The name of the roster being created.
  • Return

    • Nothing
  • Scope

    • Client


  • Description

    • Called when the delete button is pressed. This code is executed in a background thread.
  • Parameters

    • Component self - A reference to the component that is invoking this function.
    • Object deleteContext - An object that can be used to reject the edit by calling deleteContext.rejectDelete('reason')
    • String rosterNames - A list of the roster names being deleted.
  • Return

    • Nothing
  • Scope

    • Client