How To Restrict Acknowledgement on the Perspective Alarm Status Table
Security for Alarm Acknowledgement​
You can restrict specific users or roles from Acknowledging alarms by setting the enableAcknowledge property in the Property Editor to false. This hides the Acknowledge button on the Alarm Status Table for those users who do not have permission. You can setup permissions for any role, user and user source in your system.
For example, if you only want those users with the Operator role to acknowledge alarms, the correct permission must be assigned.
- Select the Alarm Status Table component, and click the enableAcknowledge binding
icon to open the Property Binding window.
- Under Property Binding Type, select Expression.
- Click the Function
icon and scroll down to Users, and select isAuthorized. This enters the function name.
- Edit the expression to read: isAuthorized(true, "Authenticated/Roles/Operator").
- Click OK.
If you currently have the 'Operator' role, you'll notice in the Property Editor of the Designer that the enableAcknowledge property is set to true, and for other roles, it will be set to false.