Perspective Components
This section covers all the built-in Perspective components. While a component is selected, you can use the Property Editor to alter the component's properties, which changes the component's appearance and behavior. Components are the building blocks of the Designer Interface that when combined create the visual part of a view to do something useful, like display dynamic information or control a device.
Here is a complete list of Perspective components and a link pointing to a page containing the component's description, properties, and usage examples.
📂 Chart Palette
📂 Container Palette
📂 Display Palette
📂 Embedding Palette
📂 Input Palette
📂 Navigation Palette
📄️ Report Viewer
The Report Viewer component allows embedding reports from the Reporting Module into a Perspective views.
📂 Symbols Palette
📄️ View Object
This is the view itself. A view has properties that control the view size, defines how Tags are dropped into a view, and settings for loading client views. The view properties are the same for each container type. View properties are displayed in the Perspective Property Editor when you click on the view in the Project Browser.