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Version: 7.9


This function is used by Ignition's Expression language.


This function is a set of functions that include:

addMillisAdd or subtract an amount of milliseconds to a given date and time.
addSecondsAdd or subtract an amount of seconds to a given date and time.
addMinutesAdd or subtract an amount of minutes to a given date and time.
addHoursAdd or subtract an amount of hours to a given date and time.
addDaysAdd or subtract an amount of days to a given date and time.
addWeeksAdd or subtract an amount of weeks to a given date and time.
addMonthsAdd or subtract an amount of months to a given date and time. This function is unique since each month can have a variable number of days. For example, if the date passed in is March 31st, and we add one month, April does not have a 31st day, so the returned date will be the proper number of months rounded down to the closest available day, in this case April 30th.
addYearsAdd or subtract an amount of years to a given date and time.


add*(date, value)

  • Parameters

    • Date date - The starting date.

    • int value - The amount of units to change the date by, where the units is dependent on the function used.

  • Results

    • Date - A new date that has been changed by the amount specified.

Code Examples

Code Snippet
addWeeks(now(), 2) //Adds 2 weeks to the current time
Code Snippet
addHours({Root}, 5) //This example would add 5 hours to the date passed in from a calendar component