This function is used in Python Scripting.
Sets a variable inside a currently running SFC chart.
Client Permission Restrictions​
Permission Type: SFC Management
Client access to this scripting function is blocked to users that do not meet the role/zone requirements for the above permission type. This function is unaffected when run in the Gateway scope.
system.sfc.setVariable(instanceId, [stepId], variableName, variableValue)
Type | Parameter | Description |
String | instanceId | The instance identifier of the chart. |
String | stepId | The id for a step inside of a chart. If omitted the function will target a chart scoped variable. [optional] |
String | variableName | The name of the variable to set. |
Object | variableValue | The value for the variable to be set to. |
Gateway, Vision Client, Perspective Session
Omitting the stepId parameter will cause the function to target a chart scoped variable. If the variable is persistent to the whole chart, or used in multiple different steps, then this parameter should be omitted.
If a stepId parameter is used, then the function will target a step scoped variable. The step associated with the stepId must be the currently active step.
Code Examples​
# The following passes the chart instance ID and step ID to a client message Handler. The message handler can then wait
# for user input, and then write back to the step variables.
# The example assumes there is a chart scoped variable called confirmEndchart, and a step scoped variable called "messageSent".
# Get the instanceId of the current chart
chartID = chart.get("instanceId")
# Get the id of the step
stepID = step.get("id")
# Create a payload to pass to the client.
# Include the instanceId and stepId so the script from the message handler knows which
# chart and step to write to
payload = {"chartID" : chartID, "stepID" : stepID}
# Send the message
system.util.sendMessage(project = "SFC", messageHandler = "SFCMessage", payload = payload
# The following script would be placed on a client message handler. This receives the payload,
# and sets a variable on either the chart or step depending on user selection
# Read items out of the payload
id = payload['chartID']
stepId = payload['stepID']
# Ask the user to end the chart
if system.gui.confirm("Would you like to end the process"):
#If yes, end the chart. confirmEndChart is chart scoped, so only 3 parameters are passed
#If no, reset the step.messageSent variable so that the user will be prompted again
#messageSent is step scoped, so 4 parameters are passed