This function is used in Python Scripting.
Configure a serial port for use in a later call. This only needs to be done once unless the configuration has changed after the initial call. All access to constants must be prefixed by " system.serial. ".
Client Permission Restrictions​
This scripting function has no Client Permission restrictions.
This function accepts keyword arguments.
system.serial.configureSerialPort(port, [bitRate], [dataBits], [hardwareFlowControl], [parity], [stopBits])
Type | Parameter | Description |
String | port | The name of the serial port, e.g., "COM1" or "/dev/ttyS0". This parameter is required. |
Integer | bitRate | Configure the bit rate. Valid values are defined by the following constants [optional]: system.serial.BIT_RATE_110, system.serial.BIT_RATE_150 , system.serial.BIT_RATE_300, system.serial.BIT_RATE_600 , system.serial.BIT_RATE_1200, system.serial.BIT_RATE_2400 , system.serial.BIT_RATE_4800, system.serial.BIT_RATE_9600 , system.serial.BIT_RATE_19200, system.serial.BIT_RATE_38400 , system.serial.BIT_RATE_57600, system.serial.BIT_RATE_115200 , system.serial.BIT_RATE_230400, system.serial.BIT_RATE_460800 , system.serial.BIT_RATE_921600 |
Integer | dataBits | Configure the data bits. Valid values are defined by the following constants [optional]: system.serial.DATA_BITS_5, system.serial.DATA_BITS_6 , system.serial.DATA_BITS_7, system.serial.DATA_BITS_8 |
Boolean | hardwareFlowControl | Configure hardware flow control. On or off. [optional] |
Integer | parity | Configure parity. Valid values are defined by the following constants [optional]:system.serial.PARITY_EVEN, system.serial.PARITY_ODD , system.serial.PARITY_MARK, system.serial.PARITY_SPACE, system.serial.PARITY_NONE |
Integer | stopBits | Configure stop bits.Valid values are defined by the following constants [optional]:system.serial.STOP_BITS_1, system.serial.STOP_BITS_2 |
The serial library was updated in 8.0. Any constants, like HANDSHAKE, that do not have an equivalent value will result in a value of 0.
SerialConfigurator - A SerialConfigurator object with exposed functions that can be used to configure the serial port instead of, or in addition to, the arguments passed to configureSerialPort
Gateway, Vision Client, Perspective Session
SerialConfigurator Methods​
Below is a listing of methods on the SerialConfigurator object. All methods return the original SerialConfigurator object, but with a modified parameter value. For a list of possible values, see the appropriate parameter on the function description above.
Method | Description |
setBitRate | Sets the bit rate on the SerialConfigurator. |
setDataBits | Sets the data bits on the SerialConfigurator. |
setParity | Sets the parity on the SerialConfigurator. |
setStopBits | Sets the stop bits on the SerialConfigurator. |
setFlowControl | Sets the flow control on the SerialConfigurator. |
setHandshake | Sets the handshake on the SerialConfigurator. |
setHardwareFlowControl | Sets the hardware flow control on the SerialConfigurator. |
Code Examples​
# Configure a serial port using keyword args.
# The "port" keyword is mandatory.
# Configure a serial port using a SerialConfigurator (returned by configureSerialPort()):