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Version: 7.9

Gateway Port Reference

Port Reference

An Ignition server uses many ports to manage information between itself and other Ignition servers, OPC servers, devices, and other services such as SMTP and ERP servers. The following table describes the default ports an Ignition server may use for communication. Most are configurable and some of these ports may be on a computer other than the one Ignition is installed on (that is, if MySQL is installed on a different computer, the Ignition server will not be using port 3306). This is not a complete list of TCP ports, and there are a few UDP and broadcast ports in the list. Ignition will potentially use other ports if you are connecting to additional services or devices. Setting ports may be possible for some of the following, but will depend on their respective software.

Ignition Ports

8088ListeningtcpYesDefault port setting to access the Ignition Gateway. Also the non SSL port for the Gateway Network.
8043ListeningtcpYesDefault SSL port setting to access the Ignition Gateway
8060ListeningtcpYesDefault SSL port setting for the Gateway Network (metroSSLPort in the Gateway XML file)
4096ListeningtcpYesDefault port for Ignition OPC-UA server
4446Listeningudp/broadcastYesDefault receive port for multicast messages that makes the Gateway discoverable on a local network.
5500ListeningtcpYesDefault port for OPC browse of external Tags.
6501ListeningtcpNoServer fallback port
8750ListeningtcpNoPort used for Redundancy/Network Configuration
17342ListeningtcpNoReceive Port for SMS with Alarming
45900ListeningtcpNoCallback port for the mobile module
44818ListeningtcpNoAllen Bradley Drivers (Ethernet/IP Symbolic/General)
4445Outgoingudp/broadcastYesDefault send port for multicast messages that makes the Gateway discoverable on a local network.
17341OutgoingtcpNoSend port for SMS with Alarming
1883variabletcpNoMQTT Unencrypted. Outgoing port if using an external MQTT broker, Listen port on Ignition if using the Distributor module
8883variabletcpNoMQTT SSL/TLS. Outgoing port if using an external MQTT broker, Listen port on Ignition if using the Distributor module

Other Common Software/Hardware Ports

102ListeningtcpNoSiemens Step7
2222ListeningtcpNoAllen Bradley Drivers (Ethernet/IP I/O DMA)
5060Listeningtcp/SIPNoSend Voice Notification to SIP server
5500ListeningtcpYesDefault port for OPC browse of external Tags
6501ListeningtcpNoServer fallback port
8000Listeningtcp/RTPNoTransfer/com for SIP server
9600ListeningtcpNoOmron FINS
135OutgoingtcpNoDefault port for DCOM communication (old OPCDA servers)
389OutgoingtcpYesDefault port for Active directory if this is being used
465OutgoingtcpNoSMTP protocol used if Alarming is configured
502OutgoingtcpYesDefault Modbus port
1433OutgoingtcpYesDefault MSSQL port used for connection
1521OutgoingtcpYesDefault Oracle port used for connection
3050OutgoingtcpYesDefault Firebirdsql port used for connection
3306OutgoingtcpYesDefault MySQL port used for connection
5432OutgoingtcpYesDefault Postgresql port used for connection
50000OutgoingtcpYesDefault IBM DB2 port used for connection
49320OutgoingtcpYesDefault Kepware port used for connection