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This function is used in Python Scripting.


Edit the alarm configuration of multiple existing tags in Ignition with a single call.

Client Permission Restrictions

Permission Type: Tag Editing

Client access to this scripting function is blocked to users that do not meet the role/zone requirements for the above permission type. This function is unaffected when run in the Gateway scope.


system.tag.editAlarmConfig(tagPaths, alarmConfig)

  • Parameters

    • String[] tagPaths - The full path to the tag you want to edit.


      You can specify the Tag provider name in square brackets at the beginning of the parentPath string.

      For example, [myTagProvider]MyTagsFolder. If the Tag provider name is left off then the project default provider will be used.

    • PyDictionary alarmConfig - A dictionary of multi-dimensional lists containing the new alarm configuration. The key in the dictionary will be the name of the alarm being to edit, and the value is a list of lists. The nested lists use the format ["name", "Value", "newValue"].


      Note that item 1 is always "Value".

      For example, {"targetAlarm":[["propertyToChange","Value","newValue"],["anotherProperty","Value","anotherNewValue"]]}

      If the name of the alarm does not match a pre-existing alarm, a new alarm will be created. Note that alarm names are case sensitive. Beware of typos.

      A list of scripting names for each alarm property can be found on the Tag Properties page.

  • Returns

    • Nothing
  • Scope

    • All

Code Examples

Example #1 - Single Tag, Multiple Properties
# The following example will alter the alarm configuration on a single tag.
# The tag currently has an alarm named "High Temp". The code below will change the name of the alarm
# to "Low Temp", and change the Setpoint to 100.

# Build a list of tag paths. Only a single tag will be altered, so create a list of one item and store the list in a variable
tagPaths = ["sensors/B3:0"]

# Build the dictionary of alarm names, and properties to change.
alarmConfig = {"High Temp":[["name","Value","Low Temp"],["setpointA","Value","100"]]}

# Edit the alarm configuration.
system.tag.editAlarmConfig(tagPaths, alarmConfig)
Example #2 - Multiple Tags, Single Alarm per Tag
# The following example will disable alarms on multiple tags.
# The tags below both have an alarm named "Alarm"
#This code will edit the Enabled property for both alarms.

# Build a list of tag paths.
tagPaths = ["Tanks/Tank_1/level_PV", "Tanks/Tank_2/level_PV"]

# Build a dictionary of alarms. Both alarms have the name "Alarm", so a dictionary of one item
# will be able to alter both alarms in a single call.
alarmConfig = {"Alarm":[["enabled","Value","0"]]}

# Edit the alarm configuration.
system.tag.editAlarmConfig(tagPaths, alarmConfig)
Example #3 - Multiple Tags, Multiple Alarms per Tag
# The following example will create two alarms each on two different tags.
# The code assumes there are not pre-existing alarms on the tags by the name of "High Level" and "Low Level"
# The Name, Mode, and Setpoint properties will be modified for each alarm.

# Build a list of tag paths.
tagPaths = ["Tanks/Tank_1/level_PV","Tanks/Tank_2/level_PV"]

# Configure two alarms on the tags.
# Mode value of 2 = Above Setpoint
# Mode value of 3 = Below Setpoint
alarmConfig = {"High Level":[["mode","Value","2"],["setpointA","Value",80]], "Low Level":[["mode","Value","3"],["setpointA","Value",15]]}

# Edit the alarm configuration.
system.tag.editAlarmConfig(tagPaths, alarmConfig)