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Tag Editor

The Tag Editor is robust interface that contains all the properties that can be configured for Tags. In the Tag Editor, you set the Tag's name, value, numeric and meta data properties, security, alarming, history, and more. For information an explanation on all possible tag configurations, see Tag Properties.

Tag Editor Diagnostics

The Diagnostics tab, under Details, contains metrics about the tag.


The diagnostic values do not update while the Tag Editor is open. They're collected once the Tag Editor is opened, and remain static until they're refreshed, by pressing the refresh button in the Tag Editor, or when applying changes and pressing OK or Apply.

Alarm*A subcategory for details pertaining to alarms configured on the tag. Each alarm on a tag will receive its own subcategory.
  • Last State: Displays the last state of the alarm.
  • Live Event Count: The number of active or unacknowledged events for the alarm. The maximum count is determined by the gateway's Live Event Limit setting.
  • DeadbandA subcategory for details pertaining to the deadband settings on the tag. These metrics are only available when the Numeric category's Deadband is set to a value larger than 0.
  • Last value:
    New in 8.1.11
    The last value on that tag, as recognized by the Numeric deadband.
  • Limit:
    New in 8.1.11
    The Numeric deadband value on the tag.
  • HistoryA subcategory for details pertaining to the history settings on the tag.
  • Deadband (Analog):
    New in 8.1.11
    A subcategory of diagnostic metrics that are only available when the History category's Deadband Style is set to Analog.
    • Current Lower Slope and Current Upper Slope: These properties represent the slope for each window. These values are calculated every time the tag evaluates, based upon the tag's sample mode. The resulting numbers are then compared to these current slopes. If the new upper slope is less than the Current Lower Slope, or the new lower slope exceeds the Current Upper Slope, then the new value is stored. In either case, the new slope values replace the value on these Current Slope properties. See Deadband and Analog Compression for more information.
    • Last Stored Time: Represents the previously stored timestamp, after the most recent timestamp. Works in a similar manner to Last Stored Value except this stores the time of the storage, instead of the value.
    • Last Stored Value: Represents the value stored before the most recently stored value. For example, say a historian system stores the following for a single tag, in order:
      - 1000
      - 1100
      - 1200
      The most recently stored value would be 1200. The value of this Last Stored Value metric would be 1100, since that was the previously stored value.
    • Last value: Represents the last QualifiedValue on the tag, regardless of whether or not that value was stored. In other words, the value most recently written to the tag.
    • Mode: The Historic category's Deadband Style used by the tag. Useful in cases where a style of "Auto" is used, as this diagnostic metric will display which option was selected by the system.
    • Tolerance: The tolerance used to calculate each new slope. The value of this metric is determined by the History category's Deadband setting on the tag.
  • Deadband (Discrete):
    New in 8.1.11
    A subcategory of diagnostic metrics that are only available when the History category's Deadband Style is set to Discrete.
    • Last Value: The last value on that tag, as recognized by the History category's Deadband property.
    • Limit: The Historical Deadband value on the tag.
    • Mode: The Historic category's Deadband Style used by the tag. Useful in cases where a style of "Auto" is used, as this diagnostic value will display which option was selected by the system.
  • Min/Max Age
    New in 8.1.11
    • Max Age Limit (ms): A milliseconds representation of the Max Time Between Samples and Max Time Units properties.
    • Minimum Age Limit (ms): A milliseconds representation of the Min Time Between Samples and Min Time Units properties.
    • Pending Value: Represents one or more pending values that can't yet be written to the tag due to the Minimum Age Limit.
    • System Time of Last Storage: A date representing the the last time a historical record value was stored for this tag.
    • Timestamp of Last Stored Value: A date representing the timestamp associated with the last collected historical record.
  • Stored Value Count (since startup):
    New in 8.1.11
    The total number of historical records collected for the tag since history on the tag was enabled.
  • OPCA subcategory for details pertaining to OPC details on the tag. These diagnostic values are only available when Value Source is set to OPC.
  • Last Subscription Value: A qualified value representing the last subscribed value. The value on this setting ignores the deadband.
  • Server Name: The name of the OPC server the tag is subscribing to.
  • Subscription Name: The name of the subscription, used by the OPC server.
  • Valid Tag Group?: States whether or not the tag group the tag is configured to use is valid.
  • Alarm AcknowledgedDisplays any errors from the Alarm Acknowledged tag event script. Only visible if a script is defined on the corresponding tag event.
    Alarm ActiveDisplays any errors from the Alarm Active tag event script. Only visible if a script is defined on the corresponding tag event.
    Alarm ClearedDisplays any errors from the Alarm Cleared tag event script. Only visible if a script is defined on the corresponding tag event.
    Datasource StatusStates which datasource is configured for the tag. Only available when Value Source is set to Query.
    Is LeasedIf true, indicates that the tag is using a leased tag group, and is currently executing at the leased rate.
    Is ScaledIf true, indicates that Scale Mode has been enabled.
    Last published valueRepresents the last value on the tag when the diagnostics tab was last updated.
    New in 8.1.11
    When Deadband Mode is set to Percent, indicates the range of values between the Engineering Low Limit and Engineering High Limit.
    Quality ChangedDisplays any errors from the Quality Changed tag event script. Only visible if a script is defined on the corresponding tag event.
    Quality DiagnosticsReports any quality errors about the tag. This is typically only present when there is a configuration issue with the tag, such as when Value Source is set to Query and a Datasource value has not been set.
    Tag Definition Valid?A flag that indicates whether or not a tag configuration is valid.
    Tag idA unique identifier for the tag. Used by the tag system to distinguish one tag from another.
    Value ChangedDisplays any errors from the Value Changed tag event script. Only visible if a script is defined on the corresponding tag event.