IA Labs PDF Viewer
This page refers to the IA Labs PDF Viewer module. This module is only available in Ignition versions 7.7, 7.6, and 7.5. For information on the PDF Viewer component available in versions 7.8 or greater, please see the PDF Viewer page.
The PDF Viewer showing a schematic in a maintenance manual.
The PDF Viewer component displays a PDF that exists as a file in some accessible filesystem, or as a URL. Note that this component is simply for viewing existing PDFs. To create dynamic reports, use the Report Viewer component.
This component is typically used in conjunction with the File Explorer component, in order to create a PDF viewing window. See the File Explorer documentation, as well as the File Explorer and PDF Viewer page for instructions on how to put these two components together.
This component is not as high-quality as Adobe Reader. This component can only be guaranteed to correctly display reports generated by the Report Viewer. In practice, it is able to view many PDFs, but it does have trouble with some, especially PDFs created by AutoCAD.
The PDF Viewer component will accept raw bytes of information in addition to a file location. See Example - Storing Files in a Database.
Name | Data Type | Flags |
accessibleContext | AccessibleContext | bindable |
actionMap | ActionMap | bindable |
alignmentX | float | bindable |
alignmentY | float | bindable |
ancestorListeners | AncestorListener[] | bindable |
antialias | boolean | bindable |
appContext | VisionClientContext | bindable |
autoscrolls | boolean | bindable |
background | Color | bindable |
backgroundSet | boolean | bindable |
baselineResizeBehavior | BaselineResizeBehavior | bindable |
border | Border | bindable |
bounds | Rectangle | bindable |
bytes | byte[] | bindable |
class | Class | none |
colorModel | ColorModel | bindable |
component | Component | bindable |
componentCount | int | bindable |
componentListeners | ComponentListeners[] | bindable |
componentOrientation | ComponentOrientation | bindable |
componentPopupMenu | JPopupMenu | bindable |
components | Components[] | bindable |
containerListeners | ContainerListeners[] | bindable |
cursor | Cursor | bindable |
cursorCode | int | bindable |
cursorSet | boolean | bindable |
dataQuality | int | bindable |
debugGraphicsOptions | int | bindable |
displayable | boolean | bindable |
doubleBuffered | boolean | bindable |
dropTarget | DropTarget | bindable |
dynamicProps | TreeMap | bindable |
enabled | boolean | bindable |
filename | String | bindable |
focusCycleRoot | boolean | bindable |
focusCycleRootAncestor | Container | bindable |
focusListeners | FocusListener[] | bindable |
focusOwner | boolean | bindable |
focusTraversable | boolean | bindable |
focusTraversalKeys | Set | bindable |
focusTraversalKeysEnabled | boolean | bindable |
focusTraversalPolicy | FocusTraversalPolicy | bindable |
focusTraversalPolicyProvider | boolean | bindable |
focusTraversalPolicySet | boolean | bindable |
focusable | boolean | bindable |
font | Font | bindable |
fontSet | boolean | bindable |
foreground | Color | bindable |
foregroundSet | boolean | bindable |
graphics | Graphics | bindable |
graphicsConfiguration | GraphicsConfiguration | bindable |
height | int | bindable |
hierarchyBoundsListeners | HierarchyBoundsListener[] | bindable |
hierarchyListeners | HierarchyListener[] | bindable |
ignoreRepaint | boolean | bindable |
inheritsPopupMenu | boolean | bindable |
inputContext | InputContext | bindable |
inputMap | InputMap | bindable |
inputMethodListeners | InputMethodListener[] | bindable |
inputMethodRequests | InputMethodRequests | bindable |
inputVerifier | InputVerifier | bindable |
insets | Insets | bindable |
keyListeners | KeyListener[] | bindable |
layout | LayoutManager | bindable |
lightweight | boolean | bindable |
locale | Locale | bindable |
location | Point | bindable |
locationOnScreen | Point | bindable |
managingFocus | boolean | bindable |
maximumSize | Dimension | bindable |
MaximumSizeSet | boolean | bindable |
minimumSize | Dimension | bindable |
minimumSizeSet | boolean | bindable |
mouseListeners | MouseListener[] | bindable |
mouseMotionListeners | MouseMotionListener[] | bindable |
mousePostion | Point | bindable |
mouseWheelListeners | MouseWheelListener[] | bindable |
name | String | bindable |
nextFocusableComponent | Component | bindable |
opaque | boolean | bindable |
optimizedDrawingEnabled | boolean | bindable |
paintingForPrint | boolean | bindable |
paintingTile | boolean | bindable |
parent | Container | bindable |
peer | ComponentPeer | bindable |
preferredSize | Dimension | bindable |
perferredSizeSet | boolean | bindable |
printingDPI | int | bindable |
printingMode | int | bindable |
properties | DynamicPropertyDescriptor[] | bindable |
propertyChangeListeners | PropertyChangeListener[] | bindable |
registeredKeyStrokes | KeyStroke[] | bindable |
requestFocusEnabled | boolean | bindable |
retainPageOnReload | boolean | bindable |
rootPane | JRootPane | bindable |
showing | boolean | bindable |
size | Dimension | bindable |
styles | Dataset | bindable |
toolTipText | String | bindable |
toolkit | Toolkit | bindable |
topLevelAncestor | Container | bindable |
transferHandler | TransferHandler | bindable |
treeLock | Object | bindable |
valid | boolean | bindable |
validateRoot | boolean | bindable |
verifyInputWhenFocusTarget | verifyInputWhenFocusTarget | bindable |
vetoableChangeListeners | VetoableChangeListener[] | bindable |
visible | boolean | bindable |
visibleRect | Rectangle | bindable |
width | int | bindable |
x | int | bindable |
y | int | bindable |
zoomFactor | float | bindable |
UI | PanelUI | bindable |
UIClassID | String | bindable |
Scripting Functions
.loadPDFBytes(bytes, name)
- This function will pass in the bytes of a PDF and load them into the PDF Viewer component. Please see Storing Files in a Database for more details
- The bytes of the PDF to be displayed on the component.string
- The name of the PDF.
- Nothing
- Client
Since 7.8.2
- This function will print the PDF.
- boolean- If true, shows the user a print dialog. Default is true [optional]
- Nothing
- Client
Since 7.8.2
- This function will set the current zoom level of the PDF, adjusted to stay within the minimum / maximum zoom range. Will zoom in on center of page.
- float- Zoom factor to use. 1.0 is no zoom.
- Nothing
- Client
Extension Functions
This component does not have scripting functions associated with it.
Event Handlers
- This event signifies a mouse click on the source component. A mouse click the combination of a mouse press and a mouse release, both of which must have occurred over the source component. Note that this event fires after the pressed and released events have fired.
- This event fires when the mouse enters the space over the source component.
- This event fires when the mouse leaves the space over the source component.
- This event fires when a mouse button is pressed down on the source component.
- This event fires when a mouse button is released, if that mouse button's press happened over this component.
- Fires when the mouse moves over a component after a button has been pushed.
- Fires when the mouse moves over a component, but no buttons are pushed.
- propertyChange
- Fires whenever a bindable property of the source component changes. This works for standard and custom (dynamic) properties.