Expression Transform
The Expression Transform runs an expression that allows you to manipulate the value of the binding using an expression. An Expression transform uses the Ignition Expression binding language and has built in links to several toolsets.
Those expression tools are as follows:
- Operators: Mathematical, Logical, Bitwise operators to adjust the incoming value.
- Functions: A library of expression functions to adjust the incoming value
- Browse Tags: A link to the Tag browser
- Browse Properties: A link to Session Properties or other properties in the same View.
Example - Function​
Convert Into Hex
//Convert an integer to a Hexadecimal and put in leading 0's
len(toHex({value})), // determine length of string
0,1,2,3, // possible lengths
'n/a', // 0 - results to display
concat('000', toHex({value})), // 1 - results to display
concat('00', toHex({value})), // 2 - results to display
concat('0', toHex({value})) , // 3 - results to display
toHex({value}) // Failover