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Linux - Upgrade

Before you upgrade Ignition...

You should backup your Gateway, see Gateway Backup and Restore.

Also, you need to be able to run as ROOT (prefix everything with sudo, run sudo su, or login as root user) to perform the upgrade.

Unlike some Linux operations, the Ignition Linux upgrade process is designed to be as simple as possible. Note that while Ignition is currently optimized for Ubuntu Linux, the upgrade process will work for any Linux distribution.

The Ignition installer also doubles as an upgrader, thus upgrading Ignition is very similar to downloading a new version and installing from scratch. You can see your current Ignition version by looking in the Status page of the Gateway.

Upgrade Ignition on Linux

  1. Simply download the Linux executable installer from our website, and double-click on the executable installer.

  2. After downloading the installer, open a command shell and navigate to the installer executable.

  3. Run chmod 744 *

  4. Then run ./

    If you are running the installer in a shell in a graphical environment, the graphical installer opens automatically. If you are running the installer in a headless Linux installation, or through a SSH shell, the text installer opens automatically. If you want to run the text installer in a graphical environment, add --mode text to the end of the above command.

    The installer starts running.

  5. Agree to the licensing terms and click Forward. The Installation Directory window is displayed.

  6. Click Forward to accept the default installation directory. Linux does not have the concept of a central registry like Windows systems do. Therefore, you must provide the location of the existing Ignition installation. By default, this value is /usr/local/bin/ignition, unless you have installed Ignition in another location.

  7. In the Question window, click Yes to continue. This Question window is displayed when the upgrader was able to locate Ignition in the specified folder. After you click Yes, the Upgrade Mode window is displayed.

  8. You can choose either:

    1. No, just upgrade currently installed modules The Ignition base installation and the existing modules are upgraded. This is the choice for most scenarios.
    2. Yes, let me choose which modules to add or remove The Select Components window is displayed and you can then add a module that was not part of the original installation or uninstall/remove a currently installed module. In graphical mode, you can view a brief description of each module by clicking on the module name.
      Selecting the check box next to a module, installs the module as part of the upgrade.
      Clearing the check box next to a module, uninstalls the module during the upgrade.
      In text mode, a list of all the modules is displayed, one at a time. Type y to install or upgrade the module, and type n to uninstall the module.
      Ignition is ready to be upgraded. At this point, you can click Back (graphical mode) to change your selections, or you can only abort the upgrade at this point (text mode) by typing n.
  9. To finish the upgrade, click Next (graphical mode) or type y (text mode).

  10. When the upgrade is complete, click Finish (graphical mode) or type y to start Ignition or n to exit (text mode). If the box for Start Ignition now was selected, Ignition starts as a background process.

  11. Use a web browser and go to http://localhost:8088 to confirm that your Gateway is running. For instructions on how to stop or start Ignition, see Linux - Install.

Automated Upgrading

You can silently upgrade Ignition from a command shell without showing any user prompts. Remember to make a Gateway backup before performing any type of upgrade. Also, the installer cannot automatically start the Gateway after a silent upgrade.

Use the /etc/init.d/ignition start command as shown below.

Command line example:

gwcmd -b /var/backups/mybackup.gwbk

sudo ./ --mode unattended --unattendedmodeui none --autoupgrade true

/etc/init.d/ignition start


-- mode unattended (ensures that no prompts appear during installation)

-- unattendedmodeui none | minimal (the none flag does not display any sort of graphic during installation; the minimal flag displays a small progress bar and nothing else, but only if you are working in a graphical system)

-- autoupgrade true (runs the installer in upgrade mode)