Wrapper Logs
Wrapper logs are a set of plain text log files located inside the installation directory on the computer where Ignition Gateway is installed. The exact path may vary depending on the installation directory, but the typical path to the location of the wrapper logs is C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\logs\
on a Windows operating system and /usr/local/bin/ignition
on Linux installations.
Wrapper Log Location​
There are typically six wrapper log files. The file containing the most recent information is the one called wrapper.log. Older information is contained in the wrapper.log.1, wrapper.log.2, wrapper.log.3, etc., the higher the number, the older the information. A very recent installation of Ignition may have fewer than six wrapper log files.
Some operating system settings may cause the file extensions to be hidden. In that case, check your operating system’s documentation on how to show file extensions, or simply look for the files with the name starting with "wrapper".
Wrapper Log Content​
Wrapper logs are similar to Gateway logs in that they contain information about the operation of the Ignition Gateway and its sub-systems, as well as the errors generated by Gateway scoped resources. However, there are some important differences between the Gateway log and the wrapper logs:
- The wrapper logs contain information about issues during the Gateway startup, including any issues that may have prevented the Gateway from starting. The most recent wrapper log file is the first place to look for the cause if the Gateway has failed to start, or if the Gateway stopped or restarted unexpectedly.
- The wrapper logs (but not the Gateway log) contain the output of any print statements in Gateway-scoped scripts.
- Unlike the Gateway log, the wrapper log files can only be obtained from their directory on the computer where the Ignition Gateway is installed. There is no way to view them via the Gateway’s Web interface.