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Version: 8.1

Perspective - Embedded View

Component Palette Icon:


The Embedded view component allows you to include an entire view inside another. Using this component allows you to select a view to display, and to pass parameters into the view. Because of this, views can easily act as templates for information.

For example, you could create a tank view and embed several into another, larger view that shows an overview of the facility.

The embedded view is different than a container because you cannot alter the contents of a view using the Embedded View. A new container would allow you to create a new grouped set of components.

Slow Performance

Embedded views are convenient, but oversaturating your view may come with performance issues. Too many embedded views in a single view or too many nested embedded views, along with potential race conditions from passing parameters between embedded views may cause slow performance.


Most Properties have binding options. For more information on Bindings, see Types of Bindings in Perspective. This section only documents the Props Category of properties. The other Categories are described on the Perspective Component Properties page.

NameDescriptionProperty Type
pathPath of the view to load in wrapper.

New in 8.1.29
If a path is present in the path property field, an Open View  icon will appear that will navigate directly to the view when clicked.
value: string
paramsParameters for the view. If passing parameters into the embedded view, the names here must match the parameters on that view.

New in 8.1.29
As of 8.1.4 a dropdown list of parameters is available when the user clicks the Add Object Member  icon. This makes it easy to add parameters from the embedded view. See also Embedded Views.

useDefaultViewWidthUse of view's default width instead of adjusting based on the content's width.value: boolean
useDefaultViewHeightUse of view's default height instead of adjusting based on the content's width.value: boolean
New in 8.1.29
View loading settings.

  • order: Controls when the embedded view loads: alongside the parent view loading (with-parent), or after the parent view finishes loading (after-parent). Default is with-parent.

    Generally speaking, with-parent is more efficient for the browser, but in some cases can feel slower overall. Alternatively, after-parent is generally less efficient for the browser and can add to the overall load time. However, since it allows the parent view to load first, after-parent may feel quicker since the topmost layer of views get started up sooner. Value is boolean.
  • object
    styleSets a style for this component. Full menu of style options is available for text, background, margin and padding, border, shape and miscellaneous. You can also specify a style class.object

    Component Events​

    The Perspective Event Types Reference page describes all the possible component event types for Perspective components. Not all component events support each Perspective component. The Component Events and Actions page shows how to configure events and actions on a Perspective component. Component scripting is handled separately and can be accessed from the Component menubar or by right clicking on the component.


    In this example, there is a Map component and a Carousel component on the top of the page. Underneath them, we've placed an Embedded View component. The idea was to embed this overview to give users a quick visual reference to bigger picture trends for the site. This example assumes you have a view already created named "Pressure Trend Overview". Here are the properties for just the Embedded View:

    PropertyValueStyle Category
    props.pathPressure Trend OverviewN/A