JDBC Driver and Database Translator Settings
This page details various JDBC driver and translator settings. See the JDBC Drivers and Translators page for information on adding and configuring JDBC drivers and translators.
IBM Default JDBC Driver Settings​
Main Properties​
Property | Value |
Name | IBM DB2 |
Description | The official IBM DB2 JDBC Driver. |
Classname | com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver |
JAR File(s) | Click on the Choose File button to select and upload the JAR(s). This is the part where you upload the JDBC driver. |
Driver Defaults & Instructions​
Property | Value |
Driver Type | DB2 |
URL Format | jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/SAMPLE OR jdbc:db2://localhost:25000/SAMPLE |
URL Instructions | The format of the DB2 connect URL is: db2://host:port/database With the three parameters (in bold)
Default Connection Properties | Leave Blank |
Connection Property Instructions | Leave Blank |
Default Validation Query | select 1 from sysibm.sysdummy1 |
SQL Language Compatibility​
Property | Value |
Default Translator | The Translator this driver should use. Default: IBM DB2 |
IBM Default Translator Settings​
Main Properties​
Property | Value |
Name | (Name of the Translator. The JDBC driver will reference the settings below by the name specified here) |
Create Table Syntax | CREATE TABLE {tablename} ({creationdef}{primarykeydef}) |
Create Sequence Syntax | leave empty |
Create Trigger Syntax | leave empty |
Create Index Syntax | CREATE INDEX {indexname} ON {tablename}({columnname}) |
Auto Increment Field Definition | {type} GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY |
Alter Table Syntax | ALTER TABLE {tablename} {alterdef} |
Add Column Syntax | ADD COLUMN {columnname} {type} |
Primary Key Syntax | leave empty |
Limit Syntax | FETCH FIRST {limit} ROWS ONLY |
Limit Position | Back |
Current Timestamp Query | values current timestamp |
Column Quote Character | " |
Supports Returning Auto-generated Keys? | False |
Fetch Key Query | SELECT max({columnname}) FROM {tablename} |
Table List Filter | leave empty |
Data Type Mapping​
Name | Type |
Byte (I1) | int |
Short (I2) | int |
Integer (I4) | int |
Long (I8) | bigint |
Boolean | int |
Datetime | timestamp |
Float (R4) | float |
Double (R8) | double |
String | varchar(255) |
Binary | blob |
Long Text | clob(65536) |
MySQL Default JDBC Driver Settings​
Main Properties​
Property | Value |
Name | MySQL |
Description | The official MySQL JDBC Driver, Connector/J. |
Classname | com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver |
JAR File(s) | Click on the Choose File button to select and upload the JAR(s). This is the part where you upload the JDBC driver. |
Driver Defaults & Instructions​
Property | Value |
Driver Type | MySQL |
URL Format | jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test |
URL Instructions | The format of the MySQL connect URL is: jdbc:mysql://host:port/database With the three parameters (in bold)
Default Connection Properties | zeroDateTimeBehavior=CONVERT_TO_NULL;connectTimeout=120000;socketTimeout=120000;useSSL=false;allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true; |
Connection Properties Instructions | There is an extensive list of extra connection properties available for MySQL Connector/J. See the documentation for a table describing all connection properties. A default serverTimezone value (taken from the Gateway) will be appended to the connection string if one is not specified. |
Default Validation Query | SELECT 1 |
SQL Language Compatibility​
Property | Value |
Default Translator | MySQL |
MySQL Default Translator Settings​
Main Properties​
Property | Value |
Name | MySQL |
Create Table Syntax | CREATE TABLE {tablename} ({creationdef}{primarykeydef}) |
Create Sequence Syntax | leave empty |
Create Trigger Syntax | leave empty |
Create Index Syntax | CREATE INDEX {indexname} ON {tablename}({columnname}) |
Auto Increment Field Definition | {type} NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT |
Alter Table Syntax | ALTER TABLE {tablename} {alterdef} |
Add Column Syntax | ADD COLUMN {columnname} {type} |
Primary Key Syntax | PRIMARY KEY ({columnname}) |
Limit Syntax | LIMIT {limit} |
Limit Position | Back |
Current Timestamp Query | SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
Column Quote Character | ` |
Supports Returning Auto-generated Keys? | True |
Fetch Key Query | (leave empty) |
Table List Filter | (leave empty) |
Data Type Mapping​
Name | Type |
Byte (I1) | int |
Short (I2) | int |
Integer (I4) | int |
Long (I8) | bigint |
Boolean | int |
Datetime | datetime |
Float (R4) | float(10) |
Double (R8) | double |
String | varchar(255) |
Binary | varbinary |
Long Text | text |
MSSQL Default JDBC Driver Settings​
Main Properties​
Property | Value |
Name | (Name of the driver, as you would like it to appear on the Gateway) |
Description | Enter a useful description you would like to see next to the driver. |
Classname | com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver |
JAR File(s) | Click on the Choose File button to select and upload the JAR(s). This is the part where you upload the JDBC driver. |
Driver Defaults & Instructions​
Property | Value |
Driver Type | Microsoft SQL Server |
URL Format | jdbc:sqlserver://localhost\SQLEXPRESS |
URL Instructions | The format of the SQL Server connect URL is: jdbc:sqlserver:// host \ instanceName [:port] With the three parameters (in bold)
For SQL Server, you specify the database name to connect to using the databaseName property in the Extra Connection Properties. |
Default Connection Properties | databaseName=test |
Connection Properties Instructions | Use databaseName=YOUR_DATABASE to specify the database to connect to. |
Default Validation Query | SELECT 1 |
SQL Language Compatibility​
Property | Value |
Default Translator | The Translator this driver should use. |
MSSQL Default Translator Settings​
Main Properties​
Property | Value |
Name | Name of the Translator. The JDBC driver will reference the settings below by the name specified here. |
Create Table Syntax | CREATE TABLE {tablename} ({creationdef}{primarykeydef}) |
Create Sequence Syntax | Blank |
Create Trigger Syntax | Blank |
Create Index Syntax | CREATE INDEX {indexname} ON {tablename}({columnname}) |
Auto Increment Field Definition | {type} IDENTITY(1,1) |
Alter Table Syntax | ALTER TABLE {tablename} ADD {alterdef} |
Add Column Syntax | {columnname} {type} |
Primary Key Syntax | PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ({columnname}) |
Limit Syntax | TOP {limit} |
Limit Position | Front |
Current Timestamp Query | SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
Column Quote Character | " |
Supports Returning Auto-generated Keys? | True |
Fetch Key Query | Blank |
Table List Filter | Blank |
Data Type Mapping​
Name | Type |
Byte (I1) | int |
Short (I2) | int |
Integer (I4) | int |
\Long (I8) | bigint |
Boolean | int |
Datetime | datetime |
Float (R4) | float(10) |
Double (R8) | double precision |
String | varchar(255) |
Binary | varbinary |
Long Text | nvarchar(max) |
Oracle Express​
Oracle Express Default JDBC Driver Settings​
Main Properties​
Property | Value |
Name | Name of the driver, as you would like it to appear on the Gateway. |
Description | Enter a useful description you would like to see next to the driver. |
Classname | oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver |
JAR File(s) | Click on the Choose File button to select and upload the JAR(s). This is the part where you upload the JDBC driver. |
Driver Defaults & Instructions​
Property | Value |
Driver Type | Oracle |
URL Format | jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:test |
URL Instructions | The format of the Oracle connect URL is: jdbc:oracle:thin:@ host : port : SID With the three parameters (in bold)
Default Connection Properties | Blank |
Connection Properties Instructions | Blank |
Default Validation Query | SELECT 1 FROM DUAL |
SQL Language Compatibility​
Property | Value |
Default Translator | The Translator this driver should use. |
Oracle Express Default Translator Settings​
Main Properties​
Property | Value |
Name | Name of the Translator. The JDBC driver will reference the settings below by the name specified here |
Create Table Syntax | CREATE TABLE {tablename} ({creationdef}{primarykeydef}) |
Create Sequence Syntax | CREATE SEQUENCE {tablename}seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 |
Create Trigger Syntax | CREATE TRIGGER {tablename}trig BEFORE INSERT ON {tablename} REFERENCING NEW AS NEW FOR EACH ROW BEGIN select {tablename}seq.nextval INTO :NEW.{columnname} FROM dual; END; |
Create Index Syntax | CREATE INDEX {indexname} ON {tablename}({columnname}) |
Auto Increment Field Definition | {type} NOT NULL |
Alter Table Syntax | ALTER TABLE {tablename} ADD ({alterdef}) |
Add Column Syntax | {columnname} {type} |
Primary Key Syntax | PRIMARY KEY ({columnname}) |
Limit Syntax | rownum<={limit} |
Limit Position | Where |
Column Quote Character | " |
Supports Returning Auto-generated Keys? | False |
Fetch Key Query | SELECT {tablename}SEQ.CURRVAL FROM DUAL |
Table List Filter | leave empty |
Data Type Mapping​
Name | Type |
Byte (I1) | int |
Short (I2) | int |
Integer (I4) | int |
Long (I8) | int |
Boolean | int |
Datetime | timestamp |
Float (R4) | float |
Double (R8) | double precision |
String | varchar2(255) |
Binary | varbinary |
Long Text | nclob |
PostgreSQL Default JDBC Driver Settings​
Main Properties​
Property | Value |
Name | (Name of the driver, as you would like it to appear on the Gateway) |
Description | (Enter a useful description you would like to see next to the driver) |
Classname | org.postgresql.Driver |
JAR File(s) | Click on the Choose File button to select and upload the JAR(s). This is the part where you upload the JDBC driver. |
Driver Defaults & Instructions​
Property | Value |
Driver Type | PostgreSQL |
URL Format | jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/test |
URL Instructions | The format of the PostgreSQL connect URL is: jdbc:postgresql://host:port/database With the three parameters (in bold)
Default Connection Properties | Blank |
Connection Properties Instructions | No extra connection parameters are recommended for PostgreSQL. For possible parameter values, see the documentation at the PostgreSQL JDBC driver website. |
Default Validation Query | SELECT 1 |
SQL Language Compatibility​
Property | Value |
Default Translator | The Translator this driver should use. |
PostgreSQL Default Translator Settings​
Main Properties​
Property | Value |
Name | Name of the Translator. The JDBC driver will reference the settings below by the name specified here |
Create Table Syntax | CREATE TABLE {tablename} ({creationdef}{primarykeydef}) |
Create Sequence Syntax | Blank |
Create Trigger Syntax | Blank |
Create Index Syntax | CREATE INDEX {indexname} ON {tablename}({columnname}) |
Auto Increment Field Definition | SERIAL NOT NULL |
Alter Table Syntax | ALTER TABLE {tablename} {alterdef} |
Add Column Syntax | ADD COLUMN {columnname} {type} |
Primary Key Syntax | PRIMARY KEY ({columnname}) |
Limit Syntax | LIMIT {limit} |
Limit Position | Back |
Current Timestamp Query | SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
Column Quote Character | " |
Supports Returning Auto-generated Keys? | True |
Fetch Key Query | Blank |
Table List Filter | Blank |
Data Type Mapping​
Name | Type |
Byte (I1) | int |
Short (I2) | int |
Integer (I4) | int |
Long (I8) | bigint |
Boolean | int |
Datetime | timestamp |
Float (R4) | float |
Double (R8) | double precision |
String | varchar(255) |
Binary | bytea |
Long Text | text |
Snowflake Default JDBC Driver Settings​
Many of the fields for the Snowflake JDBC driver can be left blank if your custom Snowflake translator is set up properly and referenced in the "Default Translator" field.
Due to security updates in Java 17, Snowflake JDBC drivers may not interact correctly with Ignition. This can be fixed by adding the following Java argument to the Gateway Configuration File:
See the official Snowflake Knowledge Base for more information about this issue.
Main Properties​
Property | Value |
Name | Name of the driver, as you would like it to appear on the Gateway. |
Description | Enter a useful description you would like to see next to the driver. |
Classname | net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver |
JAR File(s) | Click on the Choose File button to select and upload the JAR(s). This is the part where you upload the JDBC driver. |
Driver Defaults & Instructions​
Property | Value |
Driver Type | Generic |
URL Format | Blank |
URL Instructions | Blank |
Default Connection Properties | Blank |
Connection Properties Instructions | Blank |
Default Validation Query | SELECT 1 |
SQL Language Compatibility​
Property | Value |
Default Translator | Your custom Snowflake Translator. |
Snowflake Default Translator Settings​
If you have a database table called "NO_OP_TABLE", you should use a different table name for the "Create Index Syntax" field.
Main Properties​
Property | Value |
Name | Name of the translator, as you would like it to appear on the Gateway. |
Create Table Syntax | CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {tablename} ({creationdef}{primarykeydef}) |
Create Sequence Syntax | CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS {tablename}seq |
Create Trigger Syntax | Blank |
Create Index Syntax | ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS NO_OP_TABLE SET COMMENT='no-op table due to forced value for TRANSLATORS > ALTER TABLE SYNTAX'; |
Auto Increment Field Definition | {type} NOT NULL AUTOINCREMENT |
Alter Table Syntax | ALTER TABLE {tablename} {alterdef} |
Add Column Syntax | ADD COLUMN {columnname} {type} |
Primary Key Syntax | PRIMARY KEY ({columnname}) |
Limit Syntax | LIMIT {limit} |
Limit Position | Back |
Current Timestamp Query | SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
Column Quote Character | Leave Field Blank |
Supports Returning Auto-generated Keys? | False |
Table List Filter | Blank |
Data Type Mapping​
Name | Type |
Byte (I1) | int |
Short (I2) | int |
Integer (I4) | int |
Long (I8) | bigint |
Boolean | int |
Datetime | datetime |
Float (R4) | float |
Double (R8) | double |
String | string |
Binary | binary |
Long Text | text |
In addition to a custom JDBC driver and custom translator, you may need to also configure the Connection Initialization Commands
property in your Snowflake database connection to properly store Tag History. Add the following values to the Connection Initialization Commands
- USE DATABASE ignition_db
- USE SCHEMA ignition_db.time_series