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Version: 8.1

Setting Up Auto Login

Client Auto Login​

Clients can log in automatically when launched, once you specify the Auto Login settings in the Client/Login section of the Project Properties window. This is typically used in situations where the client should login with a low access user, such as a 'guest' account.

Set the Clients to Automatically Login​

In this example, we will set the project properties to allow Ignition clients to automatically login.

  1. In Designer, go to Project > Properties. The Project Properties window is displayed.

  2. Scroll down to Vision > Login.

  3. Click the Enable Auto-Login checkbox.

  4. Enter a Username and Password.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Select the File > Save All to save your changes to the Gateway and your project.

When in a client that has auto login set up, if the user accidentally logs out there is a button on the login screen to allow the user to enter in the auto login credentials. That way there is no need for them to know any login credentials.