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Version: 8.1

Vision - Calendar

Component Palette Icon:


Displays a calendar and time input directly embedded in your window. Most commonly used by including one of the two date properties (immediate or latched) from the calendar in a dynamic SQL Query Binding in Vision.


PropertyDescriptionProperty TypeScriptingCategory
Background ColorThe background color of the component. Can be chosen from color wheel, chosen from color palette, or entered as RGB or HSL value. See Color Selector.Color.backgroundAppearance
BorderThe border surrounding this component. Options are No border, Etched (Lowered), Etched (Raised), Bevel (Lowered), Bevel (Raised), Bevel (Double), and Field Border.
Note: The border is unaffected by rotation.

Changed in 8.1.21
As of 8.1.21, the "Button Border" and "Other Border" options are removed.
CursorThe mouse cursor to use when hovering over this component. Options are: Default, Crosshair, Text, Wait, Hand, Move, SW Resize, or SE
Date (immediate)The date as it is selected right now.Date.dateData
Date (latched)The date the last time "OK" was pressed.Date.latchedDateData
EnabledIf disabled, a component cannot be used.boolean.componentEnabledCommon
FontFont of text on this component.Font.fontAppearance
Foreground ColorThe foreground color of the component. See Color Selector.Color.foregroundAppearance
Format StringThe date formatting pattern used to format the string versions of the dates.String.formatBehavior
Formatted DateThe date property, as formatted by the format string.String.formattedDateData
Formatted Latched DateThe latched date property, as formatted by the format string.String.formattedLatchedDateData
Mouseover TextThe text that is displayed in the tooltip which pops up on mouseover of this component.String.toolTipTextCommon
NameThe name of this component.String.nameCommon
OpaqueIf false, backgrounds are not drawn. If true, backgrounds are drawn.boolean.opaqueCommon
QualityThe data quality code for any Tag bindings on this component.QualityCode.qualityData
Selected BorderThe border for the selected day indicator.Border.selectedBorderAppearance
Show OK ButtonTurn this off if you don't want to show the OK button. The latched date and the immediate date will be equivalent.boolean.showOkButtonBehavior
Show TimeTurn this off if you don't want to show the time panel.boolean.showTimeBehavior
StylesContains the component's styles.Dataset.stylesAppearance
Time Display FormatThe format for displaying time in the
Time StyleSelect how this calendar should treat the time portion of the
Title BackgroundThe background of the title bar. See Color Selector.Color.titleBackgroundAppearance
Today BackgroundBackground color for the today indicator. See Color Selector.Color.todayBackgroundAppearance
Today ForegroundForeground color for the today indicator. See Color Selector.Color.todayForegroundAppearance
VisibleIf disabled, the component will be hidden.boolean.visibleCommon
Weekend BackgroundBackground color for the weekend indicators. See Color Selector.Color.weekendBackgroundAppearance
Weekend ForegroundForeground color for the weekend indicators. See Color Selector.Color.weekendForegroundAppearance

Deprecated Properties​

PropertyDescriptionProperty TypeScriptingCategory
Data QualityThe data quality code for any Tag bindings on this


Component Functions​

This component does not have component functions associated with it.

Extension Functions​

This component does not have extension functions associated with it.

Event Handlers​

Event handlers allow you to run a script based off specific triggers. See the full list of available event handlers on the Component Events page



Property NameValue
Background Color255,232,204
Today Background255,140,0
Weekend Background255,202,138