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Version: 8.1

Vision - Alarm Journal Table Scripting Functions

This page details the various component and extension functions available for Vision's Alarm Journal Table component.

Component Functions​

.print(fitWidth, headerFormat, footerFormat, showDialog, landscape)​

  • Description

    • This specialized print function will paginate the table onto multiple pages. This function accepts keyword-style invocation.
  • Keyword Args

    • boolean fitWidth - If true, the table's width will be stretched to fit across one page's width. Rows will still paginate normally. If false, the table will paginate columns onto extra pages. (default = true) [optional]

    • String headerFormat - A string to use as the table's page header. The substring "{0}" will be replaced with the current page number. (default = None) [optional]

    • String footerFormat - A string to use as the table's page footer. The substring "{0}" will be replaced with the current page number. (default = "Page {0}") [optional]

    • boolean showDialog - Whether or not the print dialog should be shown to the user. Default is true. [optional]

    • boolean landscape - Used to specify portrait (0) or landscape (1) mode. Default is portrait (0). [optional]

  • Return

    • boolean - True if the print job was successful.


  • Description

    • Returns a dataset of the alarms currently displayed in the Alarm Journal Table component. The columns will be: EventId, Source, DisplayPath, EventTime, State, Priority and IsSystemEvent
  • Keyword Args

    • None
  • Return

    • Dataset - A dataset of alarms.

Extension Functions​


  • Description

    • Returns a popup menu that will be displayed when the user triggers a popup menu (right click) in the table. Use system.gui.createPopupMenu() to create the popup menu.
  • Parameters

    • Component self - A reference to the component that is invoking this function.

    • List selectedAlarmEvents - The alarm events selected on the Alarm Status Table. For an individual alarmEvent, call alarmEvent.get('propertyName') to inspect. Common properties: 'name', 'source', 'priority'.

  • Return


  • Description

    • Called for each event loaded into the alarm status table. Return false to hide this event from the table. This code is executed in a background thread.
  • Parameters

    • Component self - A reference to the component that is invoking this function.

    • Alarm Event alarmEvent - The alarm event itself. Call alarmEvent.get('propertyName') to inspect. Common properties: 'name', 'source', 'priority'.

  • Return

    • Boolean


  • Description

    • Called when an alarm is double-clicked on to provide custom functionality. Does not return a value.
  • Parameters

    • Component self - A reference to the component that is invoking this function.
  • Alarm Event alarmEvent - The alarm event itself. Call alarmEvent.get('propertyName') to inspect. Common properties: 'name', 'source', 'priority'.

  • Return

    • None