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Version: 8.1

Vision - PDF Viewer Scripting Functions

This page details the various component and extension functions available for Vision's PDF Viewer component.

Component Functions​

.loadPDFBytes(bytes, name)​

  • Description

    • This function will pass in the bytes of a PDF and load them into the PDF Viewer component. Please see Storing Files in a Database for more details
  • Parameters

    • string bytes - The bytes of the PDF to be displayed on the component

    • string name - The name of the PDF

  • Return

    • None


  • Description

    • This function will print the PDF.
  • Parameters

    • boolean showDialog - If true, shows the user a print dialog. Default is true [optional]
  • Return

    • None


  • Description

    • This function will set the current zoom level of the PDF, adjusted to stay within the minimum / maximum zoom range. Will zoom in on center of page.
  • Parameters

    • float zoom - Zoom factor to use. 1.0 is no zoom.
  • Return

    • None

Extension Functions​

This component does not have extension functions associated with it.