Type Casting
The following functions allow you to change value types in expression bindings.
📄️ toBoolean
Tries to convert value to a boolean
📄️ toBorder
This function is used specifically when binding a Border property on a component. Typically, this is used with a Container or Label component but can be used on any component that has a Border property.
📄️ toColor
This function tries to convert value to a color.
📄️ toDataSet
Tries to coerce value into a dataset.
📄️ toDate
Tries to coerce value into a Date.
📄️ toDouble
Tries to coerce value into a double (64-bit floating point value).
📄️ toFloat
Tries to coerce value into a float (32-bit floating point value).
📄️ toFont
Coerces a string into a font.
📄️ toInt
Tries to coerce value into an integer (32-bit integer).
📄️ toInteger
Identical to the toInt expression function.
📄️ toLong
Tries to coerce value into a long (64-bit integer).
📄️ toStr
Identical to the toString expression function.
📄️ toString
Represents the value as a string. Will succeed for any type of value.