This function is used by Ignition's Expression language.
Takes a JSON-friendly string, a path string, and value, and will return a new JSON-friendly string with the provided path set to the provided value. This is best used in conjunction with the Derived Tags writeback value.
jsonSet(json, path, value)
Type | Parameter | Description |
String | json | The JSON string. The string must be in a JSON friendly format. |
String | path | The path string. |
Object | value | The replacement for the value at the path. |
String - A JSON friendly string with a new value set at the specified path.
Code Snippet
// This example takes a JSON friendly string and sets the provided path to the given value. This would then return the string {'item':{'firstThing':1, 'secondThing':5}}
jsonSet("{'item':{'firstThing':1, 'secondThing':2}}", "item.secondThing", 5)