Report Design - Shape Palette
Shape Components
The following components allow users to create shapes.
📄️ Ellipse Shape
The Ellipse shape component creates circles and ellipses that can be used in a report.
📄️ Line Shape
The Line shape component can be used to display a straight line any where in a report.
📄️ Pencil Shape
The Pencil shape component lets you draw free-hand path segments that automatically smooth the curves.
📄️ Polygon Shape
The Polygon shape component creates custom polygon shapes by drawing and connecting lines, and can be used anywhere on a report.
📄️ Rectangle Shape
The Rectangle shape component creates a square or rectangle and can be used anywhere on a report.
📄️ Star Shape
The Star shape component creates a star and can be used anywhere on a report.
📄️ Text Shape
The Text shape component creates a text area for static or data key bound content.