Vision - Container
Component Palette Icon:
A Container can contain other components, including other containers. Uses for containers include:
- Organization - Containers can be used to group components together. These components can then be moved, copied, or deleted as a group. Furthermore, they will all be organized inside of their parent container in the project navigation tree, which makes them easier to find.
- Re-usability - Containers provide the opportunity to create a complex component that is made up of multiple other components. For instance, if you wanted to make your own custom HOA control, you can put three buttons inside of a container and configure them to all use a 'status' property that you add to their parent Container. Now you have built an HOA control that can be re-used and treated like its own component. Create a date range control that generates a SQL WHERE clause that can be used to control Charts and Tables. Create a label/button control that can be used to display datapoints, and pop up a parameterized window that displays meta-data (engineering units, physical location, notes, etc.) about that datapoint. Creating re-usable controls with Containers containing multiple components is the key to rapid application development.
- Layout - Containers are a great way to improve window aesthetics through borders and layout options.
To move a container around on a window, you need to hold the alt key while clicking and dragging.
Name | Description | Property Type | Scripting | Category |
Background Color | The background color of the component. Can be chosen from color wheel, chosen from color palette, or entered as RGB or HSL value. See Color Selector. | Color | .background | Appearance |
Border | The border surrounding this component. Options are No border, Etched (Lowered), Etched (Raised), Bevel (Lowered), Bevel (Raised), Bevel (Double), and Field Border. Note: The border is unaffected by rotation. Changed in 8.1.21 As of 8.1.21, the "Button Border" and "Other Border" options are removed. | Border | .border | Common |
Combine Repaints | Set this to true for containers with many sub-components that need to redraw frequently (flashing, rotating, animating). | boolean | .combineRepaints | Behavior |
Cursor | The mouse cursor to use when hovering over this component. Options are: Default, Crosshair, Text, Wait, Hand, Move, SW Resize, or SE Resize. | int | .cursorCode | Common |
Font | Font of text on this component. | Font | .font | Appearance |
Mouseover Text | The text that is displayed in the tooltip which pops up on mouseover of this component. | String | .toolTipText | Common |
Name | The name of this component. | String | .name | Common |
Opaque | If false, backgrounds are not drawn. If true, backgrounds are drawn. | boolean | .opaque | Common |
Quality | The data quality code for any Tag bindings on this component. | QualityCode | .quality | Data |
Styles | Contains the component's styles. | Dataset | .styles | Appearance |
Texture | Background texture image for this container. | String | .texturePath | Appearance |
Tile Optimized | If true, this container's children should never overlap, and you'll get better painting performance. | boolean | .optimizedDrawingEnabled | Behavior |
Visible | If disabled, the component will be hidden. | boolean | .visible | Common |
Component Functions​
This component does not have component functions associated with it.
Extension Functions​
This component does not have extension functions associated with it.
Event Handlers​
Event handlers allow you to run a script based off specific triggers. See the full list of available event handlers on the Component Events page.
Customized Container with Border​
Property Name | Value |
Border | Bevel (Double) |
Background Color | 255,232,204 |