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Version: 8.1

Vision - Container

Component Palette Icon:


A Container can contain other components, including other containers. Uses for containers include:

  • Organization - Containers can be used to group components together. These components can then be moved, copied, or deleted as a group. Furthermore, they will all be organized inside of their parent container in the project navigation tree, which makes them easier to find.
  • Re-usability - Containers provide the opportunity to create a complex component that is made up of multiple other components. For instance, if you wanted to make your own custom HOA control, you can put three buttons inside of a container and configure them to all use a 'status' property that you add to their parent Container. Now you have built an HOA control that can be re-used and treated like its own component. Create a date range control that generates a SQL WHERE clause that can be used to control Charts and Tables. Create a label/button control that can be used to display datapoints, and pop up a parameterized window that displays meta-data (engineering units, physical location, notes, etc.) about that datapoint. Creating re-usable controls with Containers containing multiple components is the key to rapid application development.
  • Layout - Containers are a great way to improve window aesthetics through borders and layout options.

To move a container around on a window, you need to hold the alt key while clicking and dragging.


NameDescriptionProperty TypeScriptingCategory
Background ColorThe background color of the component. Can be chosen from color wheel, chosen from color palette, or entered as RGB or HSL value. See Color Selector.Color.backgroundAppearance
BorderThe border surrounding this component. Options are No border, Etched (Lowered), Etched (Raised), Bevel (Lowered), Bevel (Raised), Bevel (Double), and Field Border.
Note: The border is unaffected by rotation.

Changed in 8.1.21
As of 8.1.21, the "Button Border" and "Other Border" options are removed.
Combine RepaintsSet this to true for containers with many sub-components that need to redraw frequently (flashing, rotating, animating).boolean.combineRepaintsBehavior
CursorThe mouse cursor to use when hovering over this component. Options are: Default, Crosshair, Text, Wait, Hand, Move, SW Resize, or SE
FontFont of text on this component.Font.fontAppearance
Mouseover TextThe text that is displayed in the tooltip which pops up on mouseover of this component.String.toolTipTextCommon
NameThe name of this component.String.nameCommon
OpaqueIf false, backgrounds are not drawn. If true, backgrounds are drawn.boolean.opaqueCommon
QualityThe data quality code for any Tag bindings on this component.QualityCode.qualityData
StylesContains the component's styles.Dataset.stylesAppearance
TextureBackground texture image for this container.String.texturePathAppearance
Tile OptimizedIf true, this container's children should never overlap, and you'll get better painting performance.boolean.optimizedDrawingEnabledBehavior
VisibleIf disabled, the component will be hidden.boolean.visibleCommon


Component Functions​

This component does not have component functions associated with it.

Extension Functions​

This component does not have extension functions associated with it.

Event Handlers​

Event handlers allow you to run a script based off specific triggers. See the full list of available event handlers on the Component Events page.



Customized Container with Border​

Property NameValue
BorderBevel (Double)
Background Color255,232,204